I am trying to display results from one or the other part of the query, however, at the moment it is showing results from both parts. The Replace part of the query works fine in that it chooses the correct data to display, but the content relevant to /8/ always displays even when I select, say, /13/ or /22/. I need to hide results for /8/ until it is selected.

rsChannelArticles.Source = "SELECT * FROM bunker01db1.tbl_allarticles WHERE (fld_category LIKE '%/" + Replace(rsChannelArticles__channel, "'", "''") + "/%' AND fld_show = 1 AND fld_reldate <=NOW()) OR (fld_category LIKE '%/8/%' AND fld_reldate >=NOW()) ORDER BY fld_reldate DESC"

The reason for this is that the webpage displays content when a release date/time (or embargo) has passed, however, the section /8/ needs content to disappear once that date/time has passed.

Any ideas?


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