On Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 01:27:34PM -0600, Timothy Smith wrote:
> Dear MySQL users,
> MySQL Community Server 5.1.35, a new version of the popular Open
> Source Database Management System, has been released.  MySQL 5.1.35 is
> recommended for use on production systems.
> For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.1, please see
>   http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mysql-nutshell.html
> For information on installing MySQL 5.1.35 on new servers or upgrading
> to MySQL 5.1.35 from previous MySQL releases, please see
>   http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/installing.html
> MySQL Server is available in source and binary form for a number of
> platforms from our download pages at
>   http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/
> Not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time, so if
> you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or
> choose another download site.
> We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
> patches, etc.:
>   http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/Contributing
> For information on open issues in MySQL 5.1, please see the errata
> list at
>   http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/open-bugs.html
> The following section lists the changes in the MySQL source code since
> the previous released version of MySQL 5.1.  It may also be viewed
> online at
>   http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/news-5-1-35.html
> Enjoy!
> Timothy Smith
> The MySQL build team at Sun Microsystems
> =======================================================================
> This release of MySQL has two known outstanding issues for
> Windows:
>   * The .msi installer does not detect an existing root password
>     on the initial configuration attempt. To work around this,
>     install and configure MySQL as normal, but skip any changes to
>     security. (There is a checkbox that allows this on the
>     security screen of the configuration wizard.) Then check your
>     settings:
>        + If the old root password and security settings are okay,
>          you are done and can proceed to use MySQL.
>        + Otherwise, reconfigure with the wizard and make any
>          changes on the second configuration attempt. The wizard
>          will properly prompt for the existing root password and
>          allow changes to be made.
>     This issue has been filed as
>     Bug#45200: http://bugs.mysql.com/45200 for correction in a
>     future release.
>   * The Windows configuration wizard allows changes to InnoDB
>     settings during a reconfiguration operation. For an upgrade,
>     this may cause difficulties. To work around this, use one of
>     the following alternatives:
>        + Do not change InnoDB settings.
>        + Copy files from the old InnoDB location to the new one.
>     This issue has been filed as
>     Bug#45201: http://bugs.mysql.com/45201 for correction in a
>     future release.
> Bugs fixed:
>   * Important Change: Replication: The transactional behavior of
>     STOP SLAVE has changed. Formerly, it took effect immediately,
>     even inside a transaction; now, it waits until the current
>     replication event group (if any) has finished executing, or
>     until the user issues a KILL QUERY or KILL CONNECTION
>     statement.
>     This was done in order to solve the problem encountered when
>     replication was stopped while a nontransactional slave was
>     replicating a transaction on the master. (It was impossible to
>     roll back a mixed-engines transaction when one of the engines
>     was nontransactional, which meant that the slave could not
>     safely re-apply any transaction that had been interrupted by
>     STOP SLAVE.) (Bug#319: http://bugs.mysql.com/319,
>     Bug#38205: http://bugs.mysql.com/38205)
>     See also Bug#43217: http://bugs.mysql.com/43217.
>   * Partitioning: When a value was equal to a PARTITION ... VALUES
>     LESS THAN (value) value other than MAXVALUE, the corresponding
>     partition was not pruned.
>     (Bug#42944: http://bugs.mysql.com/42944)
>   * Replication: Unrelated errors occurring during the execution
>     of RESET SLAVE could cause the slave to crash.
>     (Bug#44179: http://bugs.mysql.com/44179)
>   * Replication: The --slave-skip-errors option had no effect when
>     using row-based logging format.
>     (Bug#39393: http://bugs.mysql.com/39393)
>   * Replication: The following erors were not correctly reported:
>        + Failures during slave thread initialization
>        + Failures while initializing the relay log position
>          (immediately following the starting of the slave thread)
>        + Failures while processing queries passed through the
>          --init_slave option.
>     Information about these types of failures can now be found in
>     the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS.
>     (Bug#38197: http://bugs.mysql.com/38197)
>   * Replication: Killing the thread executing a DDL statement,
>     after it had finished its execution but before it had written
>     the binlog event, caused the error code in the binlog event to
>     be set (incorrectly) to ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN or
>     ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED, which caused replication to fail.
>     (Bug#37145: http://bugs.mysql.com/37145)
>     See also Bug#27571: http://bugs.mysql.com/27571,
>     Bug#22725: http://bugs.mysql.com/22725.
>   * Replication: Column alises used inside subqueries were ignored
>     in the binary log. (Bug#35515: http://bugs.mysql.com/35515)
>   * Valgrind warnings for the DECODE(), ENCRYPT(), and
>     FIND_IN_SET() functions were corrected.
>     (Bug#44358: http://bugs.mysql.com/44358,
>     Bug#44365: http://bugs.mysql.com/44365,
>     Bug#44367: http://bugs.mysql.com/44367)
>   * On Windows, entries for build-vs9.bat and build-vs9_x64.bat
>     were missing in win/Makefile.am.
>     (Bug#44353: http://bugs.mysql.com/44353)
>   * Incomplete cleanup of JOIN_TAB::select during the filesort of
>     rows for a GROUP BY clause inside a subquery caused a server
>     crash. (Bug#44290: http://bugs.mysql.com/44290)
>   * Not all lock types had proper descriptive strings, resulting
>     in garbage output from mysqladmin debug.
>     (Bug#44164: http://bugs.mysql.com/44164)
>   * Use of HANDLER statements with INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables
>     caused a server crash. Now HANDLER is prohibited with such
>     tables. (Bug#44151: http://bugs.mysql.com/44151)
>   * Invoking SHOW TABLE STATUS from within a stored procedure
>     could cause a Packets out of order error.
>     (Bug#43962: http://bugs.mysql.com/43962)
>   * myisamchk could display a negative Max keyfile length value.
>     (Bug#43950: http://bugs.mysql.com/43950)
>   * On 64-bit systems, a key_buffer_size value larger than 4GB
>     could couse MyISAM index corruption.
>     (Bug#43932: http://bugs.mysql.com/43932)
>   * mysqld_multi incorrectly passed --no-defaults to mysqld_safe.
>     (Bug#43876: http://bugs.mysql.com/43876)
>   * SHOW VARIABLES did not properly display the value of
>     slave_skip_errors. (Bug#43835: http://bugs.mysql.com/43835)
>   * On Windows, a server crash occurred for attempts to insert a
>     floating-point value into a CHAR column with a maximum length
>     less than the converted floating-point value length.
>     (Bug#43833: http://bugs.mysql.com/43833)
>   * Incorrect initialization of MyISAM table indexes could cause
>     incorrect query results.
>     (Bug#43737: http://bugs.mysql.com/43737)
>   * libmysqld crashed when it was reinitialized.
>     (Bug#43706: http://bugs.mysql.com/43706,
>     Bug#44091: http://bugs.mysql.com/44091)
>   * InnoDB uses random numbers to generate dives into indexes for
>     calculating index cardinality. However, under certain
>     conditions, the algorithm did not generate random numbers, so
>     ANALYZE TABLE did not update cardinality estimates properly. A
>     new algorithm has been introduced with better randomization
>     properties, together with a system variable,
>     innodb_use_legacy_cardinality_algorithm, that controls which
>     algorithm to use. The default value of the variable is 1 (ON),
>     to use the original algorithm for compatibility with existing
>     applications. The variable can be set to 0 (OFF) to use the
>     new algorithm with improved randomness.
>     (Bug#43660: http://bugs.mysql.com/43660)
>   * UNION of floating-point numbers did unnecessary rounding.
>     (Bug#43432: http://bugs.mysql.com/43432)
>     database contained views.
>     (Bug#43385: http://bugs.mysql.com/43385)
>   * Certain statements might open a table and then wait for an
>     impending global read lock without noticing whether they hold
>     a table being waiting for by the global read lock, causing a
>     hang. Affected statements are SELECT ... FOR UPDATE, LOCK
>     (Bug#43230: http://bugs.mysql.com/43230)
>   * Using an XML function such as ExtractValue() more than once in
>     a single query could produce erroneous results.
>     (Bug#43183: http://bugs.mysql.com/43183)
>     See also Bug#43937: http://bugs.mysql.com/43937.
>   * Full-text prefix searches could hang the connection and cause
>     100% CPU consumption. (Bug#42907: http://bugs.mysql.com/42907)
>   * InnoDB had excessive contention for a character set mutex.
>     (Bug#42649: http://bugs.mysql.com/42649)
>   * Incorrect elevation of warning messages to error messages for
>     unsafe statements caused a server crash.
>     (Bug#42640: http://bugs.mysql.com/42640)
>   * CHECK TABLE suggested use of REPAIR TABLE for corrupt tables
>     for storage engines not supported by REPAIR TABLE. Now CHECK
>     TABLE suggests that the user dump and reload the table.
>     (Bug#42563: http://bugs.mysql.com/42563)
>   * Compressing a table with the myisampack utility caused the
>     server to produce Valgrind warnings when it opened the table.
>     (Bug#41541: http://bugs.mysql.com/41541)
>   * For a MyISAM table with DELAY_KEY_WRITE enabled, the index
>     file could be corrupted without the table being marked as
>     crashed if the server was killed.
>     (Bug#41330: http://bugs.mysql.com/41330)
>   * Killing an INSERT ... SELECT statement for a MyISAM table
>     could cause table corruption if the table had indexes.
>     (Bug#40827: http://bugs.mysql.com/40827)
>   * A multiple-table DELETE IGNORE statement involving a foreign
>     key constraint caused an assertion failure.
>     (Bug#40127: http://bugs.mysql.com/40127)
>   * Multiple-table UPDATE statements did not properly activate
>     triggers. (Bug#39953: http://bugs.mysql.com/39953)
>   * The mysql_setpermission operation for removing database
>     privileges removed global privileges instead.
>     (Bug#39852: http://bugs.mysql.com/39852)
>   * A stored routine contain a C-style comment could not be dumped
>     and reloaded. (Bug#39559: http://bugs.mysql.com/39559)
>   * In an UPDATE or DELETE via a secondary index, InnoDB did not
>     store the cursor position. This made InnoDB crash in
>     semi-consistent read while attempting to unlock a nonmatching
>     record. (Bug#39320: http://bugs.mysql.com/39320)
>   * The functions listed in Section, "Creating
>     Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions," previously
>     accepted WKB arguments and returned WKB values. They now
>     accept WKB or geometry arguments and return geometry values.
>     The functions listed in Section, "Creating
>     Geometry Values Using WKB Functions," previously accepted WKB
>     arguments and returned geometry values. They now accept WKB or
>     geometry arguments and return geometry values.
>     (Bug#38990: http://bugs.mysql.com/38990)
>   * On WIndows, running the server with myisam_use_mmap enabled
>     caused MyISAM table corruption.
>     (Bug#38848: http://bugs.mysql.com/38848)
>   * CHECK TABLE did not properly check whether MyISAM tables
>     created by servers from MySQL 4.0 or older needed to be
>     upgraded. This could cause problems upgrading to MySQL 5.1 or
>     higher. (Bug#37631: http://bugs.mysql.com/37631)
>   * An UPDATE statement that updated a column using the same
>     DES_ENCRYPT() value for each row actually updated different
>     rows with different values.
>     (Bug#35087: http://bugs.mysql.com/35087)
>   * For shared-memory connections, the read and write methods did
>     not properly handle asynchronous close events, which could
>     lead to the client locking up waiting for a server response.
>     For example, a call to mysql_real_query() would block forever
>     on the client side if the executed statement was aborted on
>     the server side. Thanks to Armin Schöffmann for the bug report
>     and patch. (Bug#33899: http://bugs.mysql.com/33899)
>   * CHECKSUM TABLE was not killable with KILL QUERY.
>     (Bug#33146: http://bugs.mysql.com/33146)
>   * myisamchk and myisampack were not being linked with the
>     library that enabled support for * filename pattern expansion.
>     (Bug#29248: http://bugs.mysql.com/29248)
>   * For InnoDB tables that have their own .ibd tablespace file, a
>     superfluous ibuf cursor restoration fails! message could be
>     written to the error log. This warning has been suppressed.
>     (Bug#27276: http://bugs.mysql.com/27276)
>   * COMMIT did not delete savepoints if there were no changes in
>     the transaction. (Bug#26288: http://bugs.mysql.com/26288)
>   * Several memory allocation functions were not being checked for
>     out-of-memory return values.
>     (Bug#25058: http://bugs.mysql.com/25058)
> Timothy Smith, Product Engineering, MySQL
> Database Technology Group, Sun Microsystems
> -- 
> MySQL Announce Mailing List
> For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/announce
> To unsubscribe:    http://lists.mysql.com/announce?unsub=r...@nk.ca
> -- 
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> believed to be clean.

Error in compiling:

mv -f .deps/liboptions_la-priv.Tpo .deps/liboptions_la-priv.Plo
/bin/sh ../../libtool --preserve-dup-deps --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++ -O3    
-fno-implicit-templates -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti 
-fno-implicit-templates -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti   -o liboptions.la  
liboptions_la-options.lo liboptions_la-priv.lo ../../libmysql/get_password.lo 
test: unrecognized integer ` ar cru .libs/liboptions.a 
.libs/liboptions_la-options.o .libs/liboptions_la-priv.o 
../../libmysql/.libs/get_password.o ~ranlib .libs/liboptions.a/liboption'
../../libtool: arith: syntax error: " 47 + .libs/liboptions_la-options.o~RANLI "

gmake[2]: *** [liboptions.la] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 
gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/contrib/mysql/mysql-5.1.35/server-tools'
gmake: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
*** Error code 2



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  • ... Timothy Smith
    • ... Dave Shariff Yadallee - System Administrator a.k.a. The Root of the Problem
      • ... Joerg Bruehe

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