what is the value u see when you execute
select max(b) from y;

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 1:33 PM, Gavin Towey <gto...@ffn.com> wrote:

> Reproduced in 5.1.43.  Could not reproduce it in 5.0.66
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yang Zhang [mailto:yanghates...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 6:05 PM
> To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
> Subject: auto_increment weirdness
> Hi, for some reason, I have an auto_increment field that's magically
> bumped up to the next biggest power of 2 after a big INSERT...SELECT
> that inserts a bunch of tuples (into an empty table). Is this expected
> behavior? I couldn't find any mention of this from the docs (using the
> MySQL 5.4.3 beta).
> Small reproducible test case:
> First, generate some data: from bash, run "seq 30000 > /tmp/seq"
> Next, run this in mysql:
> create table x (a int auto_increment primary key, b int);
> create table y (b int);
> load data infile '/tmp/seq' into table y;
> insert into x (b) select b from y;
> show create table x;
> This will show auto_increment = 32768 instead of 30000.
> Is this a bug introduced in the beta? Has it been fixed in newer
> releases? Couldn't find a mention in the bug database. Thanks in
> advance.
> --
> Yang Zhang
> http://www.mit.edu/~y_z/
> --
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