I have been working with a query but need to add a few more conditions. I was a to do a query that contains a few more selects but want to know if there is a more efficient way to get results I need:

This query is to find NEW or FORMER CLIENT within a moving window (Date Range) of time.

I am starting off with finding a group of:

paid (status = 3) appointments (appts)
within a DR
in a Location (r.location_id = 1)
by on or many users (apt_user_id)


SELECT c.client_id, c.first_name, c.last_name, apt.*   FROM tl_appt apt

JOIN tl_rooms r on r.room_id = apt.room_id
JOIN tl_clients c on c.client_id = apt.client_id
JOIN tl_users u on u.user_id = apt.user_id

        apt.appt_id IS NOT NULL AND
        apt.time_start between '1293858000' and '1325393999' AND
        apt.appt_status_id = '3' and
        r.location_id = '1' and
        apt.appt_status_id IN (3) and
        apt.user_id IN (506)

ORDER BY apt.user_id, apt.client_id, apt.time_start


From this above set of results, I want to find the earliest appt for each client.

Then from that set of rows, I want to check to see if that client has every had an appt earlier with ANY user, those appts can be earlier than the start of the date range.

If they have a count of ZERO appts prior to the earliest appt within the date range, the are a NEW CLIENT else a FORMER CLIENT.

Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!

Don Wieland

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