Hi all,
we need to move a few databases from one host to another.
During the process we need to use replication filters (to replicate
only the databases to be moved).
The current MySQL version is 5.5, the new one will be 5.6.
We're using "mixed" binlog_format.

We're planing to use:


The documentation states the following about the replicate-wild-do-table option:

This option applies to tables, views, and triggers. It does not apply to stored procedures and functions, or events. To filter statements operating on the latter objects, use one or more of the |--replicate-*-db| options.

Does anybody know how exactly this option doesn't apply for stored procedures, functions or events?
Is the creation DDL "skipped" or their execution isn't replicated?

Anyway, I assume that with the following configuration (i.e. by adding replicate-do-db),
I'll be able to replicate all statements related to db_name1 and db_name2
(excluding possible grant/revoke statements, because the mysql system database
won't be replicated).

Is that correct?
Is there a better (more robust) way to replicate a subset of databases?



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