Am 17.04.2013 17:29, schrieb Larry Martell:
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>>>> [root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ cat /etc/tmpfiles.d/mysql.conf
>>>> d /var/run/mysqld 0755 mysql mysql -
>>> Doesn't seem to be anything like that running on MacOS. I googled and
>>> didn't find anything. I posted to a mac forum, but haven't received
>>> any responses yet. I'll have to try SO
>> you need to modify the StartupItem to create the directory
>> before starting mysqld, as said: OS manual
> Yes, I have this, but it doesn't work if /var/run/mysqld is not there.
> I still have to manually create that dir after each reboot

RTFM i said

what do you think is this below?

oh you have more than one command in StopService()
so write one command more in StartService()
and mkdir/chmod the missing directory BEFORE the daemon command
no, i do not use MacOSX because for me it is nto a serious OS
but i typed in google "macosx startupitem create folder before start service"

StartService() {
    # Insert your start command below.  For example:
    mydaemon -e -i -e -i -o
    # End example.

# The stop subroutine
StopService() {
    # Insert your stop command(s) below.  For example:
    killall -TERM mydaemon
    sleep 10
    killall -9 mydaemon
    # End example.

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