On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Johan De Meersman <vegiv...@tuxera.be> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Chris Knipe" <sav...@savage.za.org>
>> To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
>> Sent: Thursday, 24 July, 2014 11:17:50 AM
>> Subject: Avoiding table scans...
>> mysql> SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
>> 78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber > '2118806';
> You're putting quotes around ArtNumber in your where clause, where it really 
> is a bigint. Thus, you're forcing implicity conversion in the parser, instead 
> of simply doing an index lookup.

mysql> SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber > 2118806;
| ArtNumber | MessageID                                                     |
|   2118807 | <part26of79.GfYzwhqz$ORUpNi3tjsW@camelsystem-powerpost.local> |
1 row in set (19.37 sec)

mysql> SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber > '2118806';
| ArtNumber | MessageID                                                     |
|   2118807 | <part26of79.GfYzwhqz$ORUpNi3tjsW@camelsystem-powerpost.local> |
1 row in set (19.43 sec)

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber > 2118806;
| id | select_type | table                            | type  |
possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows     | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | 78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e | range |
PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 8       | NULL | 31868953 | Using where |
1 row in set (0.18 sec)

Partitioning should help from what I am reading currently... Just not
sure about a few things just yet.


Chris Knipe

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