For some reason, the history list isn't purging on one of my masters. This
is causing all kinds of weird issues/behavior with reads. Here's the last 8
or so hours of history list length:

Here are my innodb%purge% settings.

mysql> show variables where Variable_name like 'innodb%purge%'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Variable_name: innodb_max_purge_lag
        Value: 1000000
*************************** 2. row ***************************
Variable_name: innodb_purge_batch_size
        Value: 100
*************************** 3. row ***************************
Variable_name: innodb_purge_threads
        Value: 1
3 rows in set (0.09 sec)

This machine is doing about 500-100 TPS. This manifested right after I did
an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN to a massive table (600mil records, 100GB of

What other things can I look at to figure out how to increase bandwidth for
the purge thread?


*Brad Heller *| Director of Engineering | | 541-231-1514 |
Skype: brad.heller | @bradhe <> | @cloudability

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