Hello all,

MySQL Connector/J 5.1.35, a maintenance release of the production 5.1
branch has been released. Connector/J is the a Type-IV pure-Java JDBC
driver for MySQL. It is suitable for use with MySQL server versions 5.5
and 5.6.

MySQL Connector Java is available in source and binary form from the
Connector/J download pages at

MySQL Connector Java (Commercial) is available for download on the My
Oracle Support (MOS) website. This release will be available on
eDelivery (OSDC) in next month's upload cycle.

As always, we recommend that you check the "CHANGES" file in the
download archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect
your application.

MySQL Connector/J 5.1.35 includes the following general bug fixes and
improvements, also available in more detail on
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/connector-j/en/news-5-1-35.html :

Changes in MySQL Connector/J 5.1.35 (2015-03-23)

Version 5.1.35 is a maintenance release of the production 5.1
branch. It is suitable for use with MySQL server versions
5.5, and 5.6.

Functionality Added or Changed

  * The failover support by Connector/J has been refactored
    to be implemented independently of Connector/J's
    load-balancing feature. This resolves a number of issues
    including, for example, (1) a failover being triggered
    inadvertently, (2) a failover process kept trying to
    connect to an unavailable server (while there was an
    available one), and (3) the number of active connections
    kept growing until Connector/J threw an exception when
    there were successive failovers within the same
    connection. (The issues are regressions of Bug #75168.)
    (Bug #20533907, Bug #75885)

  * Connector/J now exposes the PreparedStatment.ParseInfo
    class for external usage, with no capture of the
    connection, which allows global, highly-concurrent parse
    caches to be implemented.

  * A number of new configuration properties have been

       + enabledSSLCipherSuites: For setting the enabled
         cipher suites used by JSSE. This configuration
         property needs to be set when using Java 7 or lower
         or MySQL Server Community edition version 5.7.6 or

       + readOnlyPropagatesToServer: For controlling the
         implicit propagation of the read-only transaction
         access mode to the server, which affects
         optimization for InnoDB read-only transactions.

       + noTimezoneConversionForDateType and
         cacheDefaultTimezone: For improving Connector/J's
         time zone support; see the changelog entry for Bug
         #18028319/Bug #71084 below for details.
    See the descriptions for these properties in
    Driver/Datasource Class Names, URL Syntax and
    Configuration Properties for Connector/J
    rence-configuration-properties.html) for more details.

Bugs Fixed

  * Issues with a number of the regression tests in the
    Connector/J test suite caused them to fail when they were
    run against MySQL 5.7.6. Those tests have now been fixed.
    (Bug #20606107)

  * Calling the function Clob.setString() with valid input
    resulted in a string index out of bounds exception. (Bug

  * Calling the function Clob.position() resulted in an
    exception, because the function passed the wrong index
    value to the getSubString() function. (Bug #20453712)

  * When in streaming mode, if Connector/J encountered an
    exception while reading from the stream, a subsequent
    call to the close() method of the result set would put
    the thread into a blocking state, from which it would not
    exit. With this fix, the result set can now be properly
    closed when, due to an error, there is no more data to be
    loaded from the stream. (Bug #20272931, Bug #75309)

  * The setTimestamp method failed in a Fabric connection
    with a null pointer exception. It was because the
    implementation for the getCalendarInstanceForSessionOrNew
    method was missing, which has been added by this fix to
    Connector/J. (Bug #20217686, Bug #75080)

  * When using JDBC 4 features of Connector/J 5.1 with JDK 6
    and above, custom implementations of the interface
    LoadBalanceExceptionChecker failed to work. This was
    because most of the JDBC 4-specific classes of
    Connector/J do not implement a JDBC interface directly,
    but extend other JDBC 3 classes instead, so that the
    LoadBalancingConnectionProxy.isInterfaceJdbc() check did
    not work. This fix makes the checking work by extending
    its search to include also the super classes. (Bug
    #20204783, Bug #75168)

  * The readRemainingMultiPackets method in the MysqlIO class
    returned incorrect results when a row was larger than
    16MB in size. This fix corrects the wrong type conversion
    occurred during the calculation, which caused the
    problem. (Bug #20112694, Bug #74998)

  * Calling getString() after rs.relative() had been called
    with an argument smaller than "-1" resulted in a null
    pointer exception, because rs.relative() could not handle
    the argument properly. (Bug #19536760)

  * All occurrences of the StringBuffer class in the
    Connector/J code has been replaced with the StringBuilder
    class, in order to improve code performance. (Bug
    #19465516, Bug #73595)

  * Quoted identifiers in some SQL statements were not
    properly escaped. (Bug #18925727)

  * A java.sql.date value was stored incorrectly on the
    server and also returned incorrectly if the client and
    the server were in different time zones when
    useLegacyDatetimeCode=false or useTimezone=true. This was
    due to the time-zone conversion performed by Connector/J
    on the SQL DATE type. To avoid the issue, a new property
    noTimezoneConversionForDateType has been created for
    Connector/J, which is set to "true" by default,
    preventing Connector/J to perform the kind of time-zone
    conversion that caused this bug.
    In addition, another new property cacheDefaultTimezone
    has been created: when it is set to "true" (by default),
    Connector/J caches the time zone first obtained from the
    client and uses it throughout the time the application is
    running. When it is set to "false," Connector/J becomes
    aware of time zone changes in the client at runtime that
    are initiated by calling
    java.util.TimeZone.setDefault(zone). (Bug #18028319, Bug

  * A deadlock occurred when concurrent prepared statements
    making use of timestamp objects were executed in a single
    connection. To avoid this, the locking mechanism involved
    has been changed, so that the calendar object for the
    session is only locked when it is actually being used.
    (Bug #15936413, Bug #67760)

  * There was an unnecessary call of targetCalendar.setTime()
    in the newSetTimestampInternal() method of the
    PreparedStatement.java class, which modified the
    user-supplied Calendar object and might cause side
    effects for the client application. The unnecessary call
    has now been eliminated by the fix put in for Bug
    #18028319/Bug #71084. (Bug #11761585, Bug #54095)

Online: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/en/index.html

Reporting Bugs
We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:

On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team
Hery Ramilison

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