The beauty of running enterprise versions is that you have support from
Oracle. I would gently point you in their direction if not to get what you
paid for but also because most of us in this list are unequipped to help
you because we don't use the software you have problems with.

Good luck
On 22 Mar 2016 8:15 pm, "Lisa Smith" <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have not run across this problem where Workbench will not let me access
> the "Online Backup"
> link and claims that my version of MySQL Enterprise Backup is 0.0.0 (it is
> 4.0.0).
> I had backups running and scheduled through Workbench previously. Yesterday
> I changed my data files to another drive and when I restarted Workbench I
> was no longer able to access Online Backup.
> I feel like I may be missing something obvious so any suggestions would be
> greatly appreciated.
> I am running MySQL Enterprise 5.7 on Windows Server 2012.
> Thank you for reading.

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