Seems that after KILL QUERY mysql-thread-id, a call to 
mysql_stmt_close(stmt-handle) hangs...

This did not happen in 5.6 ...

Will try 5.7.13 ...


On 06/21/2016 04:03 PM, Sebastien FLAESCH wrote:
Hi all,

The technique described in this thread is working fine with MySQL 5.6 

Basically, in a SIGINT signal handler, we establish a new connection to perform 

    KILL QUERY pid


But with 5.7 (5.7.11) we get now a different result:

A) The query is still interrupted, but we no longer get an SQL error -1317.

B) For some reason, the program does not want to exit() - (must investigate)

Any clues?

With mysql it's working fine:

mysql> select sleep(10);
^C^C -- query aborted
| sleep(10) |
1 row in set (2.79 sec)

mysql> \q


On 12/03/2014 05:25 PM, Sebastien FLAESCH wrote:
Hi all,

I have a similar question regarding KILL QUERY usage:

We have a C client program using, it is a single-threaded 

When running a long query, how can I send the KILL QUERY command when a SIGINT 
is caught? (of course we implement a signal handler, so we keep the control)

=> Is is safe to establish a new connection to the server in the signal 
handler, using
mysql_init() + mysql_real_connect(), and execute the KILL QUERY with the mysql 
id I got from the initial mysql_init() / mysql_real_connect()?

I made some tests, and it seems to work fine, the long query returns SQL error 
"Query execution was interrupted" (which is expected)

We want to support SQL interruption properly, so please someone from the dev 
give me a clear answer... I don't want to use a side effect or undocumented 

Doing all this stuff in a signal handler is certainly risky... no?

I could not find the information in the documentation (mysql_real_connect).

I wish there would be an API like mysql_cancel_query(), similar to Oracle's OCI


On 12/02/2014 05:13 PM, walter harms wrote:
hi list,

when i use CTRL-C to break a query that works fine in interactive mode.

mysql> select sleep(10) ;
^CCtrl-C -- sending "KILL QUERY 24289" to server ...
Ctrl-C -- query aborted.
| sleep(10) |
1 row in set (0.86 sec)

but when i use the noninteractive mode
   timeout 5 mysql -BAN -e "select now(); select sleep (100) ; select now() "

i looks like that  but "show full processlist;" shows otherwise and that is true
as a list of long running querys showed.

Is there a way to make it behave like the interactive version ?
Now it is a bit confusing for everyone.


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