Date |Wed, 15 Aug 2001 03:26:55 -0700
>From |"Ralf R. Kotowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


RRK> Hi,

RRK> I'm currently runnig RH 6.2 and I'm considering upgrading to RH7.1
RRK> I'm planning on whiping the HD's completely and start from scratch 
RRK> and then install the latest RPM's from MySQL's site.

RRK> The question is what would be the best way to port my existing 
RRK> MySQL databases? do a data dump? or just copy the MySQL files?

RRK> Thanx in advance for any advice on this.

You need to dump databases with 'mysqldump' command.
It's a safe way.
read about it in mysql documentation.
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