Hello all,

Please advise location of the toc.

Kind reagrds

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Zawodny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 10 January 2002 16:59
> To: Rick Emery
> Subject: Re: Jeremy's MySQL Book
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 08:32:03AM -0600, Rick Emery wrote:
> > Jeremy,
> >
> > Late last year, you were creating the Table of Contents for a book
> > about MySQL...how's it coming?  I know that many on this list were
> > anxious to get a sneak peak, and perhaps suggest additional topics,
> > such as advantages and conditions for using INNODB and BDB tables
> > versus MYISAM. And how to install, configure and use MySQL ODBC
> > drivers.  Perhaps even how to access MS Access databases through
> > MySQL.
> Hi Rick,
> I'll more information about the book on the web site I'm setting up
> for it (advanced-mysql.com).  The domain is being registered today, so
> it'll be up over the weekend.
> In the meantime, here's the last TOC outline I had put together.
> Comments are welcome, of course.
> ---snip---
> Title: Advanced MySQL (tentative)
> Chapter 0: Introduction
>     Goals of this book
>         * explain how mysql works "under the hood"
>         * understand why it is fast what can slow it down (at all levels)
>         * discuss real-world problems and solutions
>         * expose good practices for use in large or demanding environments
>         * discuss MySQL's weaknesses and how to work around them
>     What you need to know (and why)
>         * basic sql
>         * mysql installation and administration
>         * a scripting language (such as perl or python)
>     What you won't read about (and why)
>         * programming languages
>         * the mysql api
>         * extending or embedding mysql
>         * clustering
>         * commercial load-balancing solutions (there's a book on that)
>     Chapter Overview
> Chapter 1: Configuration Basics (see Questions below)
>     my.cnf, MySQL's Configuration File
>     MySQL's Startup Options
> Chapter 2: MySQL's Table Types (or Handlers?)
>     MySQL's Modular Architecture
>         * core services
>             - sql parser
>             - functions
>             - logging
>         * table handlers
>             - data access
>             - functionality differences
>         * design benefits
>     Locking and Concurrency
>         * table vs. page vs. block vs. row (granularity)
>         * read vs. write (exclusivity)
>         * multi-versioning
>     Transactional vs Non-Transactional
>         * acid features
>             - atomicity
>             - consistency
>             - isolation
>             - durability
>         * tradeoffs
>             - concurrency
>             - performance
>         * simulating transactions with table locks (maybe a sidebar?)
>         * isolation levels
>     The Table Handlers
>         * MyISAM (compressed MyISAM, and MERGE too)
>         * HEAP
>         * BDB (Berkeley DB)
>         * InnoDB
>         * Gemini
>         * (possibly include a table which summarizes the features of all?)
>     Selecting the Right Table Type
> Chapter 3: Indexes
>     What are Indexes?
>         * unique / non-unique indexes
>         * unique non-indexes (in 4.x according to monty)
>         * primary keys
>         * partial indexes
>         * compound (multi-part) indexes
>         * packed keys
>     How MySQL Stores and Maintains Indexes
>         * storage requirements
>         * common prefixes and space compression
>         * where indexes are stored (for each table type)
>         * hash indexes on heap tables
>         * the myisam key buffer and innodb/gemini buffer pools
>         * performance impact: updates vs. reads
>             - discuss delayed key writes for myisam
>     When Does MySQL Use an Index?
>         * the most specific index
>         * exact matches
>         * ranges
>         * the 40% rule
>         * left-most prefixes
>         * finding unused indexes
>         * order by and group by queries
>         * distinct queries
>         * queries using only indexed columns
>     When MySQL Never Uses and Index
>         * regular expressions
>         * wildcard prefix matches
>     Understanding and Maintaining Your Indexes
>         * Index File Sizes
>         * SHOW KEYS
>         * Cardinality
>         * ANALYZE TABLE
>         * Index Performance Counters
>         * Index Buffers
>     Full-text Indexing
> Chapter 4: Making Queries Fast
>     How MySQL Processes Queries
>         * query cache (new in 4.0 tree)
>         * parsing
>         * optimization & planning
>         * execution
>     Identifying Slow Queries
>         * the slow query log
>         * using mysqldumpslow
>         * using explain_log (new in 4.0)
>     Using and Understanding EXPLAIN
>         * single table select with index
>         * single table select with no index
>         * multi-way joins
>     Influencing MySQL's Choices
>         * straight joins
>         * index hints in queries
>         * analyze tables for better statistics
>         * query hints
>             - SQL_BIG_RESULT
>             - SQL_SMALL_RESULT
>             - SQL_BUFFER_RESULT
>         * avoiding the query cache (from monty)
>     Built-in Optimizations
>         * the 40% rule
>         * index only selects
>         * table-specific
>             - innodb primary keys
>             - gemini indexes
>         * others (must ask monty & others what to include)
>         * distinct and order by
>         * join order optimizations (from monty)
> Chapter 5: Application Design and Performance
>     Factors Affecting Application Performance
>         * database design (normalization)
>         * fast/slow queries (and index usage)
>         * language choice
>         * table types: locking/concurrency
>         * server performance problems (see chapter 7)
>     Normalization and Good Design
>         * what is a good design (refer to chapter in other book)
>         * why normalization helps
>         * when to de-normalize for the sake of performance
>             - fixed and variable row sizes
>             - dealing with blob data
>         * living with a poor design
>     Choosing the Right Language
>         * compiled vs. scripting
>         * data conversion overhead (hashes, arrays)
>         * prepared queries
>     Choosing the Right Table Type
>         * what do you really need?
>         * mixing and matching
>         * general recommendations
>     Using Transactions for Increased Performance
>     Data Partitioning
>     Misc Tips and Tricks (need to re-org this)
>         * compressed tables
>         * delayed key writes
>         * application-level caching
>         * temporary and heap tables
>         * networking and connectivity
>         * heap tables
>         * delayed and low priority inserts
>         * bulk inserts (new in 4.0)
>         * re-creating indexes via alter table or load data
>         * (whatever else doesn't fit elsewhere?)
> Chapter 6: Server Performance
>     Factors Affecting Server Performance
>         * available memory
>         * dedicated or shared
>         * os choice
>         * filesystem type and layout
>         * disks and io
>         * cpu speed
>         * network setup
>     Hardware Often isn't the Solution
>     How MySQL Uses Memory
>         * Global Memory
>         * Per-Thread Memory
>     Tunable Parameters
>         put list here of the common ones, discuss each.  refer to the
>         appendix for the rest (monty has some in mind after the 4.0.2
>         release)
>     Filesystem Choices
>         * journaling? (reiserfs, ext3, jfs, xfs, veritas, soft updates)
>         * raw partitions
>         * directory sizes
>         * running mysql over nfs
>     To RAID or not to RAID?
>         * depends on the workload
>         * data vs. logs
>         * software or hardware?
>         * raid 0, 1, 0+1, 5 (similar to IMAP book discussion)
> Chapter 7: Benchmarking and Analysis
>     Why Benchmark?
>     What to Watch
>         * Server
>             - memory
>             - cpu
>             - disk and network i/o
>             - swapping
>         * MySQL
>             - SHOW STATUS
>             - key cache
>             - slow queries
>             - table scans
>             - open/closed tables
>         * Application
>             - latency
>             - overall performance
>     Tools
>         * mysql-super-smack
>         * mysqlbench
>         * mysqlbinlog
>         * mytop
>         * fork_big.pl
>     Scenarios
>         * General Benchmarking
>             - checks overall settings
>             - determine which table type is faster
>         * Single-User vs. Multi-User
>         * Stress Testing
>             - how do things scale?
>             - what breaks first
>             - what to change?
>         * Application Testing
>             - real users vs. simulation
>         * Border Cases and "Hot Spots"
> Chapter 8: Replication
>     What is replication?
>     When is it useful?
>         * Load Balancing (sort of)
>         * Data Distribution
>         * Backups
>         * High(er) Availability
>             - other options
>             - lvs, shared scsi, etc.
>     What isn't it useful?
>         * Solving update performance problems
>         * Real-time, high performance needs
>             - replication is async.
>             - latency is highly variable
>         * (more in the "Known Problems" section)
>     How does it work?
>         * On the Master
>             - binary log
>             - server-id
>             - filtering
>             - SHOW MASTER STATUS
>         * On the Slave
>             - master.info
>             - connect to master, wait for updates
>             - server-id
>             - filtering
>             - SHOW SLAVE STATUS
>         * Master Elections (in version 4.x)
>     Replication Architectures
>         * Single Master/One or More Slaves
>         * Tree
>         * Two-master
>         * Multi-master
>     Monitoring Replication
>         * Using a Heartbeat
>         * Watching Logs
>     Switching Masters
>     Maintenance
>         * Log rotation and purging
>         * Snapshots
>         * Fixing Problems
>     Related Tools
>         * mysqlsnapshot
>         * mysqlbinlog
>         * mysqlmanager (in version 4.x)
>     Known Problems
>         * single threaded / slow query bottleneck
>         * silent death
>         * lack of read-ahead on slaves
>         * filtering is client side
>         * single log on the master
>         * master.info confusion
>         * multi-master isn't ready
>     Future Enhancements
>         * multi-master
>         * read-ahead on the slaves
>         * failsafe replication
>         * master elections
> Chapter 9: Multi-Daemon Setups
>         * Many "Virtual" MySQL Servers
>         * Sharing the same Data Directory
> Chapter 10: Maintenance and Upgrades
>     Automating Maintenance
>         * Optimizing Tables
>         * Checking Tables for Errors
>         * Log Rotation
>             - error and query logs
>             - binary logs
>     Why Upgrade?
>         * Minor Upgrades
>         * Major Upgrades
>     Before Upgrading
>         * Reading the Changelog
>         * Testing
>         * Backups
>     Upgrade Methods
>         * Server Only
>         * Server and Data
>         * Minimizing Down-Time with Symlinks
> Chapter 11: Backup and Recovery
>     Selecting a Backup Strategy
>         * Frequency
>         * Automation
>         * Trade-offs (space/recovery speed, etc)
>         * (pull important bits from the other book for here)
>     Backup Issues
>         * Consistency
>         * On-line or Off-line
>         * Table Types
>             - MyISAM
>             - HEAP
>             - BDB
>             - InnoDB
>             - Gemini
>         * Replication
>         * Filesystem Snapshots (Veritas, NetApp, LVM)
>     Tools
>         * mysqldump
>         * mysqlhotcopy
>         * mysqlsnapshot
>     Recovery
> Chapter 12: Security
>     Managing accounts
>         * How the Privilege System Works
>         * Granting Only Necessary Privileges
>     OS Permissions
>         * Using MySQL Account
>         * Configuration Files
>         * Data Files and Logs
>     Encrypting Connections
>         * SSL support (in version 4.x)
>             - certificate installation
>             - other certificate issues
>         * Tunneling with SSH
>         * Tunneling STunnel
>     Encrypting Data
>         * Filesystem-Based Encryption
>         * Encrypting Fields
>         * Hashing
>     chroot()ed MySQL
>         * Why chroot?
>         * Setting Up the Jail
>         * Configuring and Building MySQL
> Appendix A: MySQL Server Variables
>     List and describe the various variables that can be adjusted for
>     MySQL.  Make recommendations.  Possibly contribute this back to
>     the MySQL manual.
> Appendix B: MySQL Benchmark Results
>     List the detailed results from the benchmarks used elsewhere in
>     the book.
> Appendix C: MySQL Tools
>     If necessary, describe some of the tools used in the book.  I
>     don't know if this is necessary or not, but it can't hurt to plan
>     for right now.
> Questions
> ---------
> 1. Monty suggested that I include a few pages of "refresher" material.
>    It's stuff that folks ought to know already but may not.  So I'm
>    not sure where to include it quite yet.  I've added a short
>    "Chapter 1.5" (between 1 and 2) which contains the material for
>    now.
> 2. How to cover "common problems" in a way that folks can find them
>    without reading the whole book?  Maybe this is just an indexing
>    issue.  An item that Monty brought up is MySQL's non-graceful way
>    of handles running out of disk space.  That'll come up somewhere,
>    but where would someone expect to find it?  Should there be a list
>    of things that every MySQL DBA needs to know?  Maybe a short list
>    that says "read chapter XX to learn more about this topic" and
>    "read chapter YY to learn more about that topic"?
> 3. Chapter 9 needs a better name.  And a bit more thought.  (Those
>    aren't questions, exactly.)  But I'm partly waiting to see what the
>    group attempting this at Yahoo finds out.  Is it okay to leave it
>    slightly up in the air at this point?
> Notes
> -----
> 1. Each chapter will lead off with a paragraph or two (or more) about
>    what the chapter covers, what someone will learn from it, and so
>    on.
> ---snip---
> Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy D. Zawodny, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
> Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936
> MySQL 3.23.41-max: up 7 days, processed 190,145,153 queries (288/sec. avg)
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