For reporting purposes, I usually use a wide index across all the fields
that are relevant to creating the reports. So, for example, my sales table
has this type of data:


[other sales data]

sale_id is an auto_incrementing primary key. Most of the reports I run are
date-based -- show me the sales for xxxx date, for yyyy salesperson, grouped
by product_id and referral_id. My index for this table would be:

(sale_date, salesperson_id, product_id, referral_id)

My question is this: I know it's not good to index fields that have few
unique values, but what about including a field like that in a wide index?
If product_id only has 5 values, does it hurt to include it in this wide
index? Would it be better to include it or leave it out, if I'm grouping by
that field? Is there a rule of thumb for unique-ness when indexing? (i.e. a
column should have X unique values before using it in an index...)

Any insight is appreciated.


P.S. -- um, sql sql sql -- I can't believe how strict the filter for this
list is...

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