PHP is looking for the client library that gets installed with MySQL
3.23.4+. Now, you can try a QUICK fix that might not work, but it's worth a
shot. Go to the directory that has the file and type
the following:

ln -s

That should create the file that links to If
the client library is vastly different, though, it might not work. 

If it doesn't work, you should go uninstall PHP, go to the directory where
everything was being compiled, edit the necessary files to have PHP use instead (this might be in the Makefile - but be sure
you run a "make clean" first), and recompile.

I don't know how different the PHP RPM will be, but there should be a place
where you can change the reference to libmysqlclient. I use FreeBSD's ports
system and it has a special configure script that creates a little "addon"
to the Makefile that specifies the library version numbers like 10 or 11,
and you can change that file before compiling.

- Jonathan

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald Arenas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 12:19 PM
To: Mysql
Subject: Please Help! MySql 4.01/PhP 4.06 looking for

I have installed MySql 3.23.49, PHP 4.06, and Apache 1.3.20 successfully on
my RH 7.2 box.  Now I try to install MySql 4.01 (after removing MySql
3.23.49) I get a "Php-mysql.4.xx requires".  My attempt
to install MySql 4.01 ends there.

I did some reading and found that "" comes with MySql
3.23.xx.  I surfed my directories to find that MySql 4.01 installs

I installed theses packages using the RH RPM Manager.

Am I missing something?

Ron Arenas

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