I have a fairly decent server who is handling lots of connections, but very
simple SQL and I am looking for tuning advice.  I have a pretty high number
of simultaneous connections and the box is showing a few signs of stress,
that I want to address before they become a problem.  Any help will be
greatly appreciated.


Here are some box stats:

The disk is 10k UltraSCSI.

model:    UltraAX-i2
Sun development name: Flapjack2
Solaris 8 10/00 s28s_u2wos_11b SPARC, 64-bit kernel, SunOS 5.8
1 UltraSPARC-IIe cpu, cpu freq: 500MHz, system freq: 100MHz
CPU Units:
========================= CPUs =========================
                    Run   Ecache   CPU    CPU
Brd  CPU   Module   MHz     MB    Impl.   Mask
---  ---  -------  -----  ------  ------  ----
 0     0     0      500     0.2   13       1.4
Memory Units:
socket DIMM0 has a 256MB DIMM (address 0x00000000-0x0fffffff)
socket DIMM1 has a 256MB DIMM (address 0x20000000-0x2fffffff)
socket DIMM2 has a 512MB DIMM (address 0x40000000-0x5fffffff)
empty sockets: DIMM3
total memory = 1024MB (1GB)

This is what I have in the mysqld section of the my.cnf:
port            = 3306
socket          = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable    = key_buffer=512M
set-variable    = max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable    = table_cache=768
set-variable    = sort_buffer=2M
set-variable    = record_buffer=2M
set-variable    = myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable    = thread_cache=8
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
set-variable    = thread_concurrency=8
set-variable    = max_connections=1000

Below is the output of a show status:
mysql> show status
    -> ;
| Variable_name            | Value     |
| Aborted_clients          | 97        |
| Aborted_connects         | 818       |
| Bytes_received           | 62528355  |
| Bytes_sent               | 103284617 |
| Connections              | 180746    |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables  | 0         |
| Created_tmp_tables       | 14        |
| Created_tmp_files        | 0         |
| Delayed_insert_threads   | 0         |
| Delayed_writes           | 0         |
| Delayed_errors           | 0         |
| Flush_commands           | 1         |
| Handler_delete           | 25        |
| Handler_read_first       | 0         |
| Handler_read_key         | 290436    |
| Handler_read_next        | 605       |
| Handler_read_prev        | 0         |
| Handler_read_rnd         | 115416    |
| Handler_read_rnd_next    | 449963586 |
| Handler_update           | 115780    |
| Handler_write            | 115929    |
| Key_blocks_used          | 4950      |
| Key_read_requests        | 1743430   |
| Key_reads                | 3902      |
| Key_write_requests       | 464       |
| Key_writes               | 533       |
| Max_used_connections     | 207       |
| Not_flushed_key_blocks   | 0         |
| Not_flushed_delayed_rows | 0         |
| Open_tables              | 198       |
| Open_files               | 259       |
| Open_streams             | 0         |
| Opened_tables            | 185       |
| Questions                | 647665    |
| Select_full_join         | 0         |
| Select_full_range_join   | 0         |
| Select_range             | 122       |
| Select_range_check       | 0         |
| Select_scan              | 59926     |
| Slave_running            | OFF       |
| Slave_open_temp_tables   | 0         |
| Slow_launch_threads      | 0         |
| Slow_queries             | 0         |
| Sort_merge_passes        | 0         |
| Sort_range               | 0         |
| Sort_rows                | 0         |
| Sort_scan                | 0         |
| Table_locks_immediate    | 465361    |
| Table_locks_waited       | 763       |
| Threads_cached           | 4         |
| Threads_created          | 6167      |
| Threads_connected        | 47        |
| Threads_running          | 4         |
| Uptime                   | 9010      |

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