By the way you're using the terms, I would guess you're hoping
to make a new database, and place it "on the web".  

In that case, Mysql is probably at too low a level of
detail for your needs.  To solve your problem you
would need to learn:

middleware (ASP, PHP, etc)
database design

My guess is you are new to most or all of these.  In this case
you would do better with one of these two prepackaged database products:

1. Filemaker Pro
2. Microsoft Access 2000 (you know where)

Both give you, to some extent, the ability to construct a
database, configure the interface, and put it on the web,
without knowing much SQL, middleware, etc.  In the case of
Filemaker, you don't even need to know HTML or be artistic.

Perhaps this helps.

Steve Rapaport

] I thought Mysql was a server that could be used as a online database?
] If it is, is there some material I have not read that tells me how to do
] this?
] I understood most of the information I read about Mysql.  I was under the
] understanding sql is the way to make a online database
] Harry
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