Thanks for your feedback (and your general untiring devotion to the

On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 04:30:10PM -0700, Jeremy Zawodny wrote:
> > about what we can do to alleviate this?  Instead of having three 150mb
> > log files, would we be better off with 30 15mb log files?
> It shouldn't matter how many files you have.  InnoDB sees them as one
> striped file anyway.

That's good to know.

> You could increase the size of your logs.  That'll increase recovery
> time if there's ever a crash, but it should give InnoDB more breathing
> room.

Won't that only make for fewer long pauses, rather than schedule or
shorten them?  It won't fly with the powers that be if our system
shuts down in the middle of the day and my response is "Oh yeah, our
server does that every three weeks and there's nothing we can do about

Someone else suggested setting innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit to 1,
which should make for many frequent flushes rather than one monster
occasional flush.  Would that not take care of it?  (I set it to 0
because the manual suggested that as a big performance improvement at
the expense of a small measure of recoverability in the unlikely event
of a crash.)

[Is there a way to set that variable with 3.23.51 without shutting
down the server?  I couldn't find a way.]




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