At 12:05 -0500 9/20/02, Naushit Sakarvadia wrote:
>I have question  about mysqld theading.
>I understand that mysqld will have one thread per connection,  is that
>  If thru, Can I assign higher priority to  perticular
>thread/connection/client ?

No.  You can apply priority modifiers to individual statements,
but you state below that is not what you want.

>for example , If we have two clients connected to mysqld using
>Thread A  and Thread B. ( they are using same DB same TABLE).
>I want  to give higher priority to Thread A then Thread B.
>By higher priority I mean if  Thread B is doing something(
>select/update/insert or anything),
>and if there is some request on Thread A then it should preempt the Thread B
>and it should get executed first,  after  Thread A releses resourse Thread B
>should continue
>from where it was left.
>I am NOT looking for   SELECT over UPDATE priority
>Second Question.
>When I use  "--low-priority-updates", Will it have priority between threads?

Yes.  It applies globally.

>for example, if Thread B is doing UPDATE  and Thread A want to do SELECT,
>will Thread A
>get priority over Thread B? Will it preempt Thread B?

No.  That is, if Thread B is *already* executing an UPDATE, Thread A
can't have the server abort that UPDATE so that it can start executing
its SELECT.  Once a query starts, it runs to completion.

>Note: I am not subcribed to Mysql list , plase cc your reply to me .

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