On Monday 31 March 2003 10:34, Shylendra H V wrote:

> I am Shylendra from HP, working on the ServiceGuard (Clustering product
> of HP).
> Problem 1
> ---------
> While Starting and Stopping MySQL Server frequently, sometimes it hangs
> up and the output of ps -ef is as below.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> mysql    10138 10135  0 11:33 ?        00:00:00 [mysqld <defunct>]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> After this I am killing the process with -9 (SIGKILL), and again
> starting the server with safe_mysqld.
> Currently we are using MySQL Version mentioned below on Linux 7.3
> platform.
> +-----------+
> | version() |
> +-----------+
> | 3.23.36   |
> +-----------+
> Please tell me how do I overcome this problem.

What about upgrading MySQL server? 3.23.36 is outdated.

> Problem 2
> ---------
> I am running two instances of MySQL server in my Machine.
> I am launching the mysqlds in these two ways.
> 1) safe_mysqld --defaults-file=/my_dir/my.cnf
> 2) safe_mysqld --datadir=/my_dir/mysql
> When I am launching using First Method it is taking all the optins from
> the /my_dir/my.cnf file. But when launching from second method it
> doesn't take the values form my.cnf file that is stored in data
> directory. It is using default options such as port as 3306, datadir as
> /var/lib/mysql etc.
> I wanted to confirm that does it take my.cnf file that is stored under
> data directory. If yes how the safe_mysqld needs to be called. If no is
> there any other approaches that can be used other than  "safe_mysqld
> --defaults-file=/my_dir/my.cnf ".

MySQL server reads my.cnf from the following location:

/etc/my.cnf  Global options
DATADIR/my.cnf Server-specific options

where DATADIR is a compiled pathname to the data dir. So, you can't change it 
with --datadir option.

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