
did you run mysql_install_db ? This sets up the mysql database and initial


-----Original Message-----
From: Blake Howe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 June 2003 19:27
Subject: mysql server wont start

OK i am having problems starting the mysql server on Redhat Linux 8.0.

A little aboutmy background. I have some experience getting around in linux
on the command line. Proably enough just to be dangerous :-). I have
installed and used Mysql under Windows 2000 no problem.


I installed Mysql from an RPM on Redhat 8.0 Im fairly sure that it installed
properly at least i didnt see any error messages.

This is what it gave me using mysql.server start:
(it gave me basically the same message when using mysqld_safe)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# ./mysql.server start
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from
030629 12:21:45  mysqld ended

I assume this means that the server started with no problem?  When I did a
PS i didnt see the server running in the background I assume it should show
up as a process. Then when i issuied the following according to the
post-install documentation to set intial privlidges it gave this error.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# mysqladmin -u root password 'star1234'
Illegal instruction

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ./mysql -u root mysql
Illegal instruction

Im sure there is something simple i have missed but it keeps telling me that
everything is an illegal instruction. Id appreicate any help if someone has
encountered something similar. Any more information you need just tell me.

Thanks for you time,

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