I've been looking at Apache's mod_log_mysql and mod_mylo, and if I don't
need the extended featureset offered by mod_log_mysql, I can't help but
wonder if I'd get any better performance than with something like:

 LogFormat "INSERT INTO httpdlog (vhost,host,logname,...) ('%v','%h','%l',...);" 
 CustomLog "|/usr/local/bin/mysql -uuser -ppass logdb" mysqlfmt

Aside from the potential security issue of having a MySQL password
visible to a 'ps' command, what's the disadvantage of simply piping
INSERT statements directly into the text client?

Presumably a CustomLog entry like this would constitute a single,
persistent database connection, which would terminate when Apache went
away and be restarted when Apache was re-run?

Any thoughts?

  Paul Chvostek                                             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Operations / Abuse / Whatever
  it.canada, hosting and development                   http://www.it.ca/

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