It does not fail if some tables are not locked. But like you said, you
could miss data. So the better way is first to lock, then flush and then
dump the table.

It does not backup the transaction log (if you mean the binary log with
transaction log). Even worse, you normally have no way of telling from
which point in time you have to restore the transaction log (except time
of course, but which is in some situation not enough information).

Best and most secure way of doing a backup of which you can guarantee to
restore safely is to shutdown the server, backup the tables, reset the
bin log, restart the server. But even then you can get problem during
the restore, because you cannot prevent users from logging in while you
do the restore (ok, there are some tricks, but these are tricks and not
well thought out backup procedure).

I think MySQL is thoroughly leaking in this aspect and someone should
put his/her attention to this very soon. Because its hard to sell your
manager a DB which does not support a well thought out backup and
RESTORE procedure!


-----Original Message-----
From: Gilbert Wu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: dinsdag 15 juli 2003 18:31
Subject: RE: MySQLDump

The connections will still write to one or two tables. Mainly stock
prices from a price server. Hence, not so bother if any prices arrive
after the dump starts are not captured. I would like to know if
mysqldump will fail to run if the tables are not locked? Cheers. Gilbert

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 15 July 2003 17:11
To: Gilbert Wu
Subject: Re: MySQLDump

sure, just tell it to lock the tables while it does the dump.


On Tuesday 15 July 2003 12:02, Gilbert Wu wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to MySQL. I wonder if someone could tell me if I can run
> on a database while a few users are still connected to it. If yes, is
> clever enough to backup the transaction log and use it to restore the
> database to the nearest state to the before the dump?
> Many thanks.
> Gilbert Wu

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