On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 06:01:31PM +0200, Cybot wrote:
> Jesse Sheidlower wrote:
> >I'm struggling with speed issues on some queries that
> >I would have expected to be relatively fast. Perhaps
> >even more frustratingly, when I've tried to break 
> >these down into their components, they still execute
> >very slowly. I've looked over all the relevant suggestions
> >for optimization and so forth, and there's nothing I can
> >tell that I'm missing.
> >
> >An example of a query is to get all the words (the cg.cw
> >field) in a particular alphabetical range that have been
> >added in some timespan (the sref.cd field). The cg table
> >has about 3M rows, and the sref table about 70,000; the
> >intervening tables are all indexed on the relevant id
> >fields:
> >
> >-----
> >mysql> SELECT cg.cw FROM cg,q,cit,sref
> >    -> WHERE cg.q_id = q.id AND q.cit_id = cit.id AND cit.sref_id = sref.id
> >    -> AND cg.cw BETWEEN 't' AND 'tzzz'
> >    -> AND sref.cd > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)
> move your DATE before cw
> AND cg.cw BETWEEN 't' AND 'tzzz'
> cause "sref.cd > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)" should be faster 
> than "cg.cw BETWEEN 't' AND 'tzzz'" and so the total rows are already 
> limited when "cg.cw BETWEEN 't' AND 'tzzz'" will be executed

I assume that the optimizer would take care of this, but in any
case I gave it a try and it made no difference.

> also you can try an index with a length of 2 or 3 over cg.cw, this will 
> result in smaller index and possible speed up things

I also tried this (the current index is 25 characters on a 100-character
field), and if anything it made things slower.

Anyone have any other ideas or analysis?

Thanks very much.

Jesse Sheidlower

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