Neculai Macarie wrote:
> select 'gallery' as table_name, d_image_small, d_image_big
> from gallery
> select 'gallery_categ' as table_name, d_image, NULL
> from gallery_categ
> order by table_name;
> select 'gallery' as table_name, d_image_small, d_image_big
> from gallery
> union
> select 'categ' as table_name, d_image, NULL
> from gallery_categ
> order by table_name;
Making a twist to the samples provided
    select 'categ' as table_name, d_image, '.' as big
        from gallery_categ
    select 'gallery' as table_name, d_image_small , d_image_big
        from gallery
    order by table_name;
the results are amazing

To my observations constants in a column declaration limit the column width
to just fit the initial constant.
Your choice of values 'gallary' and 'gallery-categ' just masked that out ;-)

A workaround can be found in creating an additional table -never to hold
    create table dummy (
        _name char(25),
        _small char(100),
        _big  char(100));

and selecting it upfront of the unions to the filled tables
    select *
        from dummy
    select 'categ' , d_image, null
        from gallery_categ
    select 'gallery' , d_image_small , d_image_big
        from gallery
    order by _name;

BTW I use this kind of a dummy table just to easy (re)name collumns in a
union-ed resultset: not a simngle 'as' in any select.

Running 4.1.0-alpha-max-nt On WindowsXP

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