Ok, I've got a problem, I've got an inventory of books they can be
stored in different locations in the warehouse and I need to generate a
booklist, and I want to include the title and an author, I have a table
with the authors in it, and there may be anywhere from 1 to 10 authors
for a particular book, but I don't really care, I just need one for
displaying ... anyway, here is a layout

table stock (
qty int,
isbn char(20),
location int

table books
isbn char(20),
title char(128)

table authors (
isbn char(20),
author char(120)

table prices (
isbn char,
retail decimal(7,2),
wholesale decimal(7,2)

all the tables with the exception of stock and authors have a unique
index  on the isbn, so only one isbn in those.

Now I'm trying to generate a book list with quantities available, and it
needs a short description, title, listprice, ourprice, author..

I tried this query,
select sum(s.qty),s.isbn,b.title, p.listprice,p.ourprice, a.author from
stock s left join books b on s.isbn=b.isbn left join prices p on
s.isbn=p.isbn left join authors a on s.isbn=a.isbn group by s.isbn
HAVING sum(s.qty) > 10;

now this works ok, but of course if I have more than one author the
actual sum of the books is multiplied by the actual amount of authors
listed for the book, now I don't really care what author shows up, it's
just mostly a filler for the list, but I finally struck on this solution
and now I just need to know if it should be reliable...?

select sum(s.qty) ,s.isbn,p.listprice,p.ourprice,
a.author,count(distinct a.author) from stock s left join books b on
s.isbn=b.isbn left join prices p on s.isbn=p.isbn left join authors a on
s.isbn=a.isbn group by s.isbn HAVING sum(s.qty) > 10;

There is a possiblity, that there may not be an author listed for a
particular isbn, or I would do the math in the query, but using the
above, I should be able to test the count of distinct a.author and
divide sum.qty by the distinct a.authors and come up with a legit count
for the actual count of books I have, of course testing for zero count
in the distinct a.author to avoid diving by zero, and using this I
believe that I should have the correct count in inventory?

Should this work and be reliable?

Long winded, but just wanting to make sure I'm understood..


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