Also make sure you installed both the server and the client for MySQL.

And of course if you're not running bash, put the path to the MySQL
directory in the correct shell file. For example, I prefer the tsch shell,
so I would put it in the .tcshrc file in my home directory.

If you're not familiar with Linux, take a look at some of the commands at If you want a book,
 will get you a quick start.

                      Parker Morse                                                     
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
                      m>                       cc:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]             
                                               Subject:  Re: Command not found         
                      09/05/2003 09:24                                                 

On Friday, Sep 5, 2003, at 00:51 US/Eastern, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I installed the MySQL 4.0 on my Linxus machine (red hat 7.3). The
> installation
> shows no problem, and I can see that the 'mysqld' server is actually
> runing
> through a command like "./bin/mysqladmin version". However, it just
> does not
> allow me to switch to the mysql client program from my login shell.
> Whenever I
> try to do so, it also says that "bash: mysql: command not found".
> I don't know how to deal with it. Could some MySQL experts please
> kindly help
> me with this?

It's not a MySQL issue, it's a Linux issue. If your MySQL binaries are
installed in a directory like /usr/local/mysql/bin/, they're not in one
of the directories your shell (probably bash) looks in for commands.
(To see which directories are being searched, type "echo $PATH" at the
shell prompt.)

You'll need to edit the .bashrc file in your home directory to add the
/usr/local/mysql/bin directory to the search path if you want to avoid
typing the full path. Another alternative is to place links to the
binaries in one of the directories already in the path, like /usr/bin/.


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