did you install your debian with "bf24" option??? itīs a kernel 2.4 
instalation... in my debian woody 4.0 is very good....mysql 4.0 is ok!

   Gustavo Polillo Correa - Analista de Sistemas
   Instituto de Biociencias - USP
   Sao Paulo - Brasil
   Tel/Fax : 55-11-3091-7436

On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 13:44:39 +0200, Stefano - 3000 Staff wrote
> Hi all,
> I'm running a debian woody with mysql 4.0.12 . Sometimes i get error 
> 11 ' can't create new thead etc.... '
> I search a lot on mysq.com and google but i found this is a problem only
> with 2.2 kernels. I've also tried to use lastest mysql-max bineries from
> mysql.com and i can't get more than 245 threads!
> My server is a double Pentium xeon 1.8 GHz with 1Gb of RAM
> My uname -a output is:
> Linux mysql 2.4.22 #2 SMP Sat Sep 20 11:41:47 CEST 2003 i686 unknown
> Ulimit -a:
> mysql:~# ulimit -a
> core file size        (blocks, -c) 0
> data seg size         (kbytes, -d) unlimited
> file size             (blocks, -f) unlimited
> max locked memory     (kbytes, -l) unlimited
> max memory size       (kbytes, -m) unlimited
> open files                    (-n) 1024
> pipe size          (512 bytes, -p) 8
> stack size            (kbytes, -s) 8192
> cpu time             (seconds, -t) unlimited
> max user processes            (-u) 256
> virtual memory        (kbytes, -v) unlimited
> mysql:~# mysqladmin extended-status
> +--------------------------------+------------+
> | Variable_name                  | Value      |
> +--------------------------------+------------+
> | Aborted_clients                | 68         |
> | Aborted_connects               | 0          |
> | Bytes_received                 | 175431265  |
> | Bytes_sent                     | 1243837474 |
> | Com_admin_commands             | 200        |
> | Com_alter_table                | 40         |
> | Com_analyze                    | 0          |
> | Com_backup_table               | 0          |
> | Com_begin                      | 0          |
> | Com_change_db                  | 2865       |
> | Com_change_master              | 0          |
> | Com_check                      | 0          |
> | Com_commit                     | 0          |
> | Com_create_db                  | 0          |
> | Com_create_function            | 0          |
> | Com_create_index               | 8          |
> | Com_create_table               | 30037      |
> | Com_delete                     | 10018      |
> | Com_delete_multi               | 0          |
> | Com_drop_db                    | 0          |
> | Com_drop_function              | 0          |
> | Com_drop_index                 | 8          |
> | Com_drop_table                 | 30070      |
> | Com_flush                      | 0          |
> | Com_grant                      | 0          |
> | Com_ha_close                   | 0          |
> | Com_ha_open                    | 0          |
> | Com_ha_read                    | 0          |
> | Com_insert                     | 446342     |
> | Com_insert_select              | 5          |
> | Com_kill                       | 0          |
> | Com_load                       | 0          |
> | Com_load_master_data           | 0          |
> | Com_load_master_table          | 0          |
> | Com_lock_tables                | 0          |
> | Com_optimize                   | 0          |
> | Com_purge                      | 0          |
> | Com_rename_table               | 0          |
> | Com_repair                     | 0          |
> | Com_replace                    | 0          |
> | Com_replace_select             | 0          |
> | Com_reset                      | 0          |
> | Com_restore_table              | 0          |
> | Com_revoke                     | 0          |
> | Com_rollback                   | 0          |
> | Com_select                     | 1904491    |
> | Com_set_option                 | 0          |
> | Com_show_binlog_events         | 0          |
> | Com_show_binlogs               | 0          |
> | Com_show_create                | 0          |
> | Com_show_databases             | 0          |
> | Com_show_fields                | 0          |
> | Com_show_grants                | 0          |
> | Com_show_keys                  | 0          |
> | Com_show_logs                  | 0          |
> | Com_show_master_status         | 0          |
> | Com_show_new_master            | 0          |
> | Com_show_open_tables           | 0          |
> | Com_show_processlist           | 0          |
> | Com_show_slave_hosts           | 0          |
> | Com_show_slave_status          | 0          |
> | Com_show_status                | 75         |
> | Com_show_innodb_status         | 0          |
> | Com_show_tables                | 0          |
> | Com_show_variables             | 0          |
> | Com_slave_start                | 0          |
> | Com_slave_stop                 | 0          |
> | Com_truncate                   | 0          |
> | Com_unlock_tables              | 0          |
> | Com_update                     | 451836     |
> | Connections                    | 32841      |
> | Created_tmp_disk_tables        | 148        |
> | Created_tmp_tables             | 3821       |
> | Created_tmp_files              | 60         |
> | Delayed_insert_threads         | 0          |
> | Delayed_writes                 | 0          |
> | Delayed_errors                 | 0          |
> | Flush_commands                 | 1          |
> | Handler_commit                 | 0          |
> | Handler_delete                 | 353600     |
> | Handler_read_first             | 334801     |
> | Handler_read_key               | 19997738   |
> | Handler_read_next              | 60277032   |
> | Handler_read_prev              | 6000000    |
> | Handler_read_rnd               | 9365391    |
> | Handler_read_rnd_next          | 225023647  |
> | Handler_rollback               | 0          |
> | Handler_update                 | 6962052    |
> | Handler_write                  | 1669971    |
> | Key_blocks_used                | 15586      |
> | Key_read_requests              | 78377859   |
> | Key_reads                      | 1553       |
> | Key_write_requests             | 3786835    |
> | Key_writes                     | 1403763    |
> | Max_used_connections           | 160        |
> | Not_flushed_key_blocks         | 8          |
> | Not_flushed_delayed_rows       | 0          |
> | Open_tables                    | 44         |
> | Open_files                     | 86         |
> | Open_streams                   | 0          |
> | Opened_tables                  | 40383      |
> | Questions                      | 2908354    |
> | Qcache_queries_in_cache        | 0          |
> | Qcache_inserts                 | 0          |
> | Qcache_hits                    | 0          |
> | Qcache_lowmem_prunes           | 0          |
> | Qcache_not_cached              | 0          |
> | Qcache_free_memory             | 0          |
> | Qcache_free_blocks             | 0          |
> | Qcache_total_blocks            | 0          |
> | Rpl_status                     | NULL       |
> | Select_full_join               | 683        |
> | Select_full_range_join         | 3          |
> | Select_range                   | 30914      |
> | Select_range_check             | 0          |
> | Select_scan                    | 209047     |
> | Slave_open_temp_tables         | 0          |
> | Slave_running                  | OFF        |
> | Slow_launch_threads            | 0          |
> | Slow_queries                   | 0          |
> | Sort_merge_passes              | 30         |
> | Sort_range                     | 524        |
> | Sort_rows                      | 9220823    |
> | Sort_scan                      | 3564       |
> | Ssl_accepts                    | 0          |
> | Ssl_finished_accepts           | 0          |
> | Ssl_finished_connects          | 0          |
> | Ssl_accept_renegotiates        | 0          |
> | Ssl_connect_renegotiates       | 0          |
> | Ssl_callback_cache_hits        | 0          |
> | Ssl_session_cache_hits         | 0          |
> | Ssl_session_cache_misses       | 0          |
> | Ssl_session_cache_timeouts     | 0          |
> | Ssl_used_session_cache_entries | 0          |
> | Ssl_client_connects            | 0          |
> | Ssl_session_cache_overflows    | 0          |
> | Ssl_session_cache_size         | 0          |
> | Ssl_session_cache_mode         | NONE       |
> | Ssl_sessions_reused            | 0          |
> | Ssl_ctx_verify_mode            | 0          |
> | Ssl_ctx_verify_depth           | 0          |
> | Ssl_verify_mode                | 0          |
> | Ssl_verify_depth               | 0          |
> | Ssl_version                    |            |
> | Ssl_cipher                     |            |
> | Ssl_cipher_list                |            |
> | Ssl_default_timeout            | 0          |
> | Table_locks_immediate          | 2609327    |
> | Table_locks_waited             | 1          |
> | Threads_cached                 | 0          |
> | Threads_created                | 32840      |
> | Threads_connected              | 159        |
> | Threads_running                | 3          |
> | Uptime                         | 2298       |
> +--------------------------------+------------+
> What's can be the problem? And also why with standard mysql binaries 
> i cannot get more than 245 threads?
> Thanks
> Bye, Stefano
> -- 
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