Hello All!

I really need a hand here.  I'm volunteering at this NGO (non-profit org)
in New Delhi.  I and another developer built a .NET/MySQL app for managing
the communications department.  The app worked sweet on our machines, but
when we moved it to the server and ran a UNION query (one of many)....
BANG!  So We need to upgrade from 3.something to 4.0.  It's a Cobolt
Server, which I have no experience with, but everything was installed with
RPM.  I got the client and devel packages installed okay using rpm -Uvh
--replacefiles  but the server won't install because of 2 dependencies:

    libmysqlclient.so.10   is needed by mod_auth_mysql-1.11-1
        libmysqlclient.so.10   is needed by php-mysql-4.1.2-7

Now I've done my research and it seems that MySQL4 has a lib file called
libmysqlclient.so (no 10) and this needs to be used, so I've got to upgrade
these packages somehow.  I have no idea how to do this without building
source RPMS (and even that I'm not sure about).  Unfortunately, I don't
have RPM build on this puter and it requires 15 major dependencies and I'm
on a 2k line.  This tape will self destruct in 3 seconds.


PLEASE we're a really cool org and we need your help!

address: http://deepalaya.org

Jacob Singh

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