hi Jeremy , thanks (again, tell me if it's to much=) for helping me.

i've got to admit here that i'm reaching the maximum of my linux skills.

i've used top,free,iostat and sar , without finding the answers i need.

for instance , on the master (dual P3 1Ghz , 1G ram, running only mysql,
with 353Mo of data):

uptime :
18:46:44 up 123 days, 23:07,  1 user,  load average: 21.20, 14.22, 13.93

free   :
             total    used    free  shared buffers  cached
Mem:        901156  890080   11076       0    5860  731076
-/+ buffers/cache:  153144  748012
Swap:      1951888  226356 1725532

top :
 19:02:26 up 24 days, 17:54,  1 user,  load average: 2.12, 3.19, 2.84
418 processes: 416 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  58.1% user,   7.0% system,   0.0% nice,  34.9% idle
Mem:    900084K total,   884928K used,    15156K free,    70076K buffers
Swap:   979956K total,   243256K used,   736700K free,   341272K cached

mytop  (thanks again =) :
MySQL on localhost (3.23.49-log)  up 29+10:33:22 [18:48:43]
 Queries Total: 13,593,786     Avg/Sec: 5.34  Now/Sec: 8.54  Slow: 189,308
 Threads Total: 356       Active: 27    Cached: 0
 Key Efficiency: 99.93%  Bytes in: 1,328,945,210  Bytes out: 940,236,299

my.cnf extract:
set-variable    = thread_stack=128K
set-variable    = key_buffer=256M
set-variable    = max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable    = table_cache=128
set-variable    = sort_buffer=1M
set-variable    = net_buffer_length=8K
set-variable    = myisam_sort_buffer_size=8M
set-variable    = max_connections=500

thanks to top , i can presume that the cpu's are ok :34.9% idle
(there's a "bug" in the debian procps , top show only one proc , but cat
/proc/cpuinfo show me the 2 cpu , so they are both effectively used by the

i'm asking myself : why is the kernel using so much cache (730M).
shouldn't he (AFAIK) gives this space to mysql instead of swapping (226M) ?

then i think maybe he uses the cache to manage the swap space. but heh ,
730M for cache , and only 153 for the applications !

where am i wrong? (let's stay humble : i'm wrong , not the linux kernel :)

do you think there is some simple things i could tune to improve the
system performance ?

(the slave is now ok , thanks to the horrible regexps system i use to
redirect part of the queries to the master =)


Benjamin KRIEF * Directeur Technique *  IGUANE Studio
Tel:     *      5-7-9 passage des Cloys
Fax:    *                   75018 PARIS
Gsm:     *  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 04:00:07AM +0200, Benjamin KRIEF wrote:
>> >
>> > Is your bottleneck CPU, I/O, or lock contention?
>> >
>> > Is your slave running on worse hardware than your master?
>> my bottleneck is CPU , definitely. the load can go up to 35 in peak
>> hours.
>> no swapping occurs , my key efficiency is at 99,89 .
> The load average often has little relationship to the actual CPU
> utilization.  Is your CPU at 100% most of the time?  Or are your procs
> blocked on disk I/O.
> Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy D. Zawodny     |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  http://jeremy.zawodny.com/
> MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 40 days, processed 1,530,693,767 queries
> (439/sec. avg)

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