Thank you for taking the time to reply
I am using version 4.1 as can be seen from the out put below
mysql  Ver 13.5 Distrib 4.1.0-alpha, for portbld-freebsd5.1 (i386)
Also I am unsure of the syntax for what you suggest
>Are you aware that you are using a nested sql query which isn't available
>until version 4.1?
>Try splitting the delete into multiple steps 1) populate a temp table with

>the id's you want to delete then 2) use the temp table data to delete the
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "tech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 3:16 AM
>Subject: delete help
>> I hope someone can help, I am a newbe as sql and need a some help
>> I can by using this command at mysql prompt |select ACCTSESSIONID from
>> where ACCTSESSIONTIME='0';| get a list that I then need to delete
>> but when I used the following I keep get errors
>> delete from radiuslog where ACCTSESSIONID = any (select ACCTSESSIONID from

>> where ACCTSESSIONTIME='0');
>> I can not delete the record by just deleting the record with the 0
>> as this would only delete the Stop and not the
>> start record with the same ACCTSESSIONID from this radiuslog
>> -- 
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