In one message you say you've run mysql_install_db, in another you say you're logged in as root. In your second message, you say you got the error

  Fatal error: Can't open privilege tables: Can't find file:
  './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13) ...

You can use perror to translate the error number (13) to text.

  # perror 13
  Error code  13:  Permission denied

I expect you ran mysql_install_db as root, so root owns the data directory and files. Hence, the mysql user cannot read them. I know you say that you've used chown to reset the ownership, but I think the most likely explanation is that you've missed something. As root, cd to the mysql data directory and run

chown -R mysql:mysql .

Then try mysqld_safe again.


Zhao, Charles wrote:

Thanks ... but yeas, I have done both and still got that ... that's why
I was asking the questions.
I have 3.23 that came with my Linux distribution and it's not
uninstalled -- but I don't think that should be the cause, though.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: MySQL 4.0 Installation Problem -- trying again


First, you need to run the mysql_install_db script. That will
create the initial mysql database tables which is where security is
tracked. Next, you will need to use the chown command to change the
ownership of your mysql data directory (and I would include the logging
directory, too) to be owned by mysql both as user and group.

Once these two steps are finished, it should run for you.


David Christensen Brokers International, Ltd. 1200 E Main St PO Box 160 Panora, IA 50216 (800) 362-1097 or (641) 755-2775 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message----- From: Zhao, Charles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 12:22 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: MySQL 4.0 Installation Problem -- trying again

OK I was wrong: those files are mentioned in the doc, but I
strictly followed the manual and I still got those errors. The first problem is host.frm cannot be found while starting
mysqld (when starting InnoDB) (in the mysqld.log file), and the server
start aborted. The manual says script/mysql_install_db will set the
initial grant tables for me and I don't need to worrry about that before
the server starts. But I still get that error. I am logged in as

I installed Mysql on NT a long time ago and that was easy. Any help? Thanks.

-----Original Message----- From: Zhao, Charles Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 5:14 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: MySQL 4.0 Installation Problem Fatal error: Can't open privilege tables: Can't find
file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13) ... Well, since I failed to use RPM to install MySQL 4.0
over 3.23 -- I am not sure if I have to unstall the latter before I
install the former, the manual does not mention that, I went ahead to do
a fresh binary installation of it on my Linux 7, under usr/local/
directory. Followed the manual step by step until I started the server:

/bin/mysqld_safe & (also tried it with parameter
user=mysql), but I got "mysql ended ... [1]+ Done
./bin/mysqld_safe" msg, and I could not run any further commands, failing with
msgs like "Can't connect to local MySQL server though socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock', Check that mysqld is running and that the socket:
'/tmp/mysql.sock' exists!"

then I found in the sql log file: "Fatal error: Can't
open privilege tables: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13)
..." when starting the InnoDB tables.

Both files mysql.sock and host.frm are not mentioned in
the manual, and not found in my file system. Any one can point out the problem? Thanks.

-----Original Message----- From: Zhao, Charles Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 4:53 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: MySQL 4.0 Installation Problem I have 3.23 that comes with my Linux
distribution, now when I tried to do a rpm installation of 4.0, I got messages
like: "warning: MySQL-server-4.0.17 ... .rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID ..., file /usr/bin/mysql from install of MySQL-client- conflicts with file from package
mysql-3.23.52-3 ... file /usr/shar/man/man1/ ... from install of ...

conflicts with file from package mysql-3.23... ..." and the conflict list goes on. The installation manual does not seem to discuss
about such issues. Do I need to remove my 3.23 before I run the
installation? -- but that's not what the manual says, though. The first
warning msg, is that a problem, too? Thanks.

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