Hello all,

My mySQL 4.1.0 server is currently set to use a key_buffer_size of 32M. My
server has 1GB of RAM, and is now using only InnoDB tables.

The manual says that 'Key_reads/Key_read_request ratio should normally be <
0.01'; mine is ~ 0.12; the manual also says 'Key_write/Key_write_requests is
usually near 1'; mine is very, very small (< 0.0001). 

This server is also running apache/php. Any suggestions on how I should
proceed in tuning key_buffer_size? 


Joshua Thomas
Network Operations Engineer
PowerOne Media, Inc.
tel: 518-687-6143

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice
there is. 
- Yogi Berra 

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