* Jochem van Dieten
> > The $usertimezone contains an integer between -12 and +12,
> > representing the offset in hours of the user timezone compared
> > to the server timezone. A user in the same timezone as the
> > server would have $usertimezone=0.
> Some locations have timezone offsets that are not full hours, and
> with the addition of DST can be more as 12 hours.

Right... DST = daylight saving time

I tried to keep it simple to explain the basics. :)

The principle would be the same, but you would use minutes instead of hours,
ranging from about -(12*60) to 13*60. A TINYINT would be too small to store
it, a SMALLINT would be sufficient. You could also store the number of

DATE_ADD(datecol,INTERVAL $usertimezone MINUTE)

> > If the server(s) also can exist in different timezones, you
> > would need an additional $servertimezone integer, and you should
> > use GMT as the zero point for both the server and the user timezone
> > settings.
> Not GMT, but UTC.

Yes, you are right... I meant Coordinated Universal Time. It's basically the
same as GMT, except without DST.

> > As an alternative you could set all your servers to use GMT
> > time, regardless of the geographical placement of the server.
> > That way you would only need an $usertimezone offset.
> The proper way to program this would require MySQL to support the
> AT TIME ZONE construct, but I haven't found it on the MySQL
> roadmap yet.

Woudn't the "proper way" be the way that leads to a result you can live
with? Of course support in the server would have been better, but why can
you not use a mechanism as described above?


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