
You need:

select job,avg(sal) from emp group by 1 order by 2 limit 1;



-----Original Message-----
From: Edouard Lauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday 31 January 2004 19:23
Subject: Query problem


I would like to query the littlest average salary. I have a table with
employees and their salary like that:

| job       | sal  |
| CLERK     |  800 |
| SALESMAN  | 1600 |
| SALESMAN  | 1250 |
| MANAGER   | 2975 |
| SALESMAN  | 1250 |
| MANAGER   | 2850 |
| MANAGER   | 2450 |
| ANALYST   | 3000 |
| PRESIDENT | 5000 |
| SALESMAN  | 1500 |
| CLERK     | 1100 |
| CLERK     |  950 |
| ANALYST   | 3000 |
| CLERK     | 1300 |

Now this query returns the average salary per job:

select job,avg(sal) from emp group by job -->

| job       | avg(sal)  |
| ANALYST   | 3000.0000 |
| CLERK     | 1037.5000 |
| MANAGER   | 2758.3333 |
| PRESIDENT | 5000.0000 |
| SALESMAN  | 1400.0000 |

The final result should be:

| job       | avg(sal)  |
| CLERK     | 1037.5000 |

In ORACLE I can do it like this:
select job,avg(sal) from emp group by job having avg(sal)=(select
min(avg(sal)) from emp group by job);

but this doesn't work in MYSQL. Does somebody know how it can be done in


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