I previouslly compiled my own version of MySQLd 4.0.14 on FreeBSD 4.8 with
LinuxThreads using Jeremy Zawodny's config/compile options
(http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/000458.html)  and have had no
problems.  However, I've got 4.9 install with updated ports, etc. and I
can't seem to get 4.0.17 to run successfully (or 4.0.14 for that matter)
after compiling.  I've used the same config options and receive the
following errors:

InnoDB: Error: pthread_create returned 35

So I tried to compile --without-innodb and got..

040201 23:59:53  Can't create interrupt-thread (error 35, errno: 4)

ktrace shows the following:
 18510 mysqld   CALL  kill(0x484d,0x1f)
 18509 mysqld   PSIG  SIGUSR2 caught handler=0x881ea104 mask=0x40027007
 18509 mysqld   RET   sigsuspend -1 errno 4 Interrupted system call
 18509 mysqld   CALL  sigreturn(0xbfbff410)

Here's the info on my /usr/ports/devel/linuxthreads install:

I looked at my old 4.8 box, which has been upgraded to 4.9, but I haven't
done anything with MySQL on since it was 4.8, and it appears to have the
following linux threads version:

Has anyone had success compiling MySQL 4.0 + LinuxThreads-2.2.3_13 using
Jeremy Zawodny's configuration options on FreeBSD 4.9? Does anyone have any
suggestions on where to go from here?



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