Donny Simonton wrote:
> Neil,
> We never delete from primary tables.  No questions asked!  We would just
> mark a entry as deleted, and not select from it.
> Another option you can do to solve your deletion problem is, select 35 rows
> for example, when you really only want 30.  That way, you can have extras,
> if say #20 is not available.
> There are many options, we have even in some cases, created a table and run
> the order by rand query every 5 minutes and just have it update a table.
> And then we just do a select from that secondary table.  So every 5 minutes
> you have new random items.

Thanks again - lots of great suggestions. I use a reverse proxy caching
front end Web server which allows me to reduce load on the back-end
MySQL/mod_perl Apache processes. Thus by setting the expiration time of
the web pages appropriately I can reduce the number of times the random
pics page is executed, which kinda/sorta does what your last suggestion
suggests, I think.

I am all in favor of simplifying application code wherever possible, and
I would still love to just use a simple query with "ORDER BY RAND()", it
would make things SOOO much more straightforward. So if any of the core
MySQL developers are reading this, please take a look at the original
question and let me know if there are any plans in the works to make
this more efficient (or if it's even possible - if it's just inherently
difficult then that would be good to know).



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