At 18:33 -0800 3/12/04, John Mistler wrote:
I am two days into troubleshooting this. I need some help badly.

I installed MySQL 4.0.18 for Mac. I was able to get in at first:

Welcome to MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 14 to server version: 4.0.18-standard

Please show us the command you entered to start the mysql program.

then I would type mysql> create database mytest;

and get: ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database

The account name (@localhost) has no username before the '@' character, which indicates that you have connected as the anonymous user. This user has no privileges to create the mytest database.

I tried all kinds of commands to change the root password, and every single one would result in "Access denied for user . . . "

Please show what these commands were. No one can help you diagnose the problem without information to go on.

I would like to install, instead, CompleteMySQL from the site, which has interfaces to help newbies like me. However, it is only at version 4.0.15. So my question is:

How can I UNINSTALL the current 4.0.18 version I already have, before
installing the other one?

Well ... I'm afraid we cannot tell you that, either, because although you've indicated that you installed MySQL 4.0.18 for Mac, you haven't told us how you installed it. Did you use the PKG distribution? Did you install from source?

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004

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