Please look in your data directory and post the contents of the <host
name>.ERR file that you find there.  That will give folks the information
they need to help solve your problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ginger Cheng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 10:21 AM
Subject: Please HELP !!! Can not restart server

Hi, MySQL Gurus,
        Version of mysql is Distrib 3.23.54, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386). I 
started mysql server with 'safe_mysqld --user=root &' . Then I found some 
variables needs to be optimized. SO I  shut it down with 'mysqladmin -p 
shutdown' using root. But I was connected to the mysql server at the moment 
as ginger thru another connection. But the server is down all right (at 
least to me). Then I logged out in my connection as ginger to mysql server. 
Then I changed the variables in /etc/my.cnf and try to bring up the server 
using 'safe_mysqld --user=root &'. Here is what I got:

/usr>/usr/bin/safe_mysqld --user=root &
/usr>Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql 040408
08:00:06  mysqld ended

[1]+  Done                    /usr/bin/safe_mysqld --user=root

        I moved the old mysql under datadir to another place and run 
'mysql_install_db'. Then I run 'safe_mysqld --user=root &'. Still the same 
thing. I even tried to restart the server again but it does not work 
either. I have also tried to restore the my.cnf file and there is no effect.
           Please help me. I need it to be fixed as soon as I can.
            Thank you so much

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