At 10:38 -0400 4/29/04, Lou Olsten wrote:
Per a response from Victoria (thanks, BTW!) I see that I can reload my InnoDB RI's data by turning off SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0 during the restore. I then tried to go to the machine where the dumps were going to be restored and set this variable in the [client] section of my.cnf. But when I try to connect after that, I get an:

"ERROR: unknown variable 'foreign_key_checks=0'.

I then tried using:

set variable=foreign_key_checks=0

...but got the same result.

Is there a list of variables that I *can* use in the [client] section, or am I just doing something wrong.

There is an example that shows how to use the variable on this page:

I got to this page by going to:

Then I typed foreign_key_checks into the search box and clicked the Go
button.  The first page in the list of hits is the one shown above.

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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