Hello list,

im having a hughe problem with the RAND() function

first of all im using mysql 3.23 so subquerys are impossible.

| id | content   |
| 1  | apple      |

| id |  id_table1 |  id_table2 |
| 1  |  1             |  1             |
| 2  |  1             |  2             |

| id | content |
| 1  | bear     |
| 2  | ape      |

The result should be somehting like:

Query1 (randomly generated):
| table1.id | table1.content | table2.id | table2.content |
| 1            | apple              | 1            | bear               |
Query2 (randomly generated):
| table1.id | table1.content | table2.id | table2.content |
| 1            | apple              | 2            | ape                 |

thanks for comments / suggestions / solutions

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