If all you need from your query is one column, then ask for just that one
column. Don't overuse SELECT *. You wind up filling your data transfer
channels with unnecessary and unused data.
</soapbox> (sorry about that, one of my pet peeves)

You can store the results of your fulltext search in a temporary table and
JOIN that to your other table. I think it will take 3 separate calls to
MySQL_query() but I am not sure (I work for a Win32 company and I don't get
to work with PHP very often).

call 1:
SELECT access_no FROM ballon_txt WHERE MATCH (access_no, recs_txt)

call 2 (this one will give you your matching records:
SELECT <field list here>
FROM balloon_rec r
INNER JOIN tmpSearch s
ON s.access_no = r.access_no

call 3 (I always try to clean up after myself):
DROP TABLE tmpSearch

Depending on what version of MySQL you have , you might be able to use the
first query as an "unnamed view" and avoid the need for a temp table:
SELECT <field list here>
FROM balloon_rec r
INNER JOIN (SELECT access_no FROM ballon_txt WHERE MATCH (access_no,
recs_txt) AGAINST('robin')) s
ON s.access_no = r.access_no

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       "mySQL mailinglist" <[EMAIL 
                      .fm>                     cc:                                     
                                               Fax to:                                 
                      07/14/2004 10:06         Subject:  Search one table, then 
display another table where keys match 
                      AM                        ?                                      

If you would entertain a MYSQL/PHP, hope not too off-topicIt's
probably not difficult to solve - but you would be helping me
with some SQL logic.

The only way I can think of to explain what I want to do
is to give you my working newbie MSQL/PHP code that I'm learning
MYSQL/PHP with, and at a certain point in the code below I'll state
exactly as I can what I want to try to do. It's probably
quite simple but I can't get it- Thanks:

$dblink = mysql_connect ( 'localhost',  "guest", "password" );
mysql_select_db( "balloon", $dblink );
// Doing a FULLTEXT search
// Re the SELECT: I indexed both fields together, so seemed like
// I should put them both in the MATCH...OK, it works.
$query="SELECT * FROM balloon_txt WHERE MATCH(access_no, recs_txt)
AGAINST ('robin')";
$result = MySQL_query($query);

 OK, right here - next below I'm gonna display/loop $result from table
 balloon_txt. But, what I really want to do is take the "result set"
 access_no fields from the search above and (access_no is a Key in all
 my tables) and use it to generate results (ie. matching records) from
 another table called balloon_rec and dispaly/loop the results from
 balloon_rec. So I'm searching balloon_txt, getting results, but I want
 to display matching records from another table - balloom_rec. Is there
 a way to do a join or something in the SELECT above? Or do I process
 $result? Seems a join in the SELECT above or some SQL above is cleaner
 - but not sure how(?) Thanks, Lee G.

while ( $row = mysql_fetch_row( $result ) ) {
 for ( $i=0; $i<mysql_num_fields( $result ); $i++ )
  {echo $row[$i] . " ;}
// Close the db connection
mysql_close ( $dblink );

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