
We are currently using a 4.0.16-replication-setup (debian-linux, kernel 2.4.21, xfs) of two 2.4ghz Intel-Pentium4 systems with 3gig RAM each and SCSI-Hardware-Raid, connected via gigabit-ethernet. We are reaching the limit of those systems and are going to buy new hardware as well as upgrade to mysql 4.1.x. We will start testing our applications on 4.1.3 within the next few weeks but our main problem is that we are not quite sure what hardware to buy...

We are planning to buy something like a dual-xeon system with 10-16gb of RAM and hardware raid10 with 8 sata-disks and as much cache as possible.
Will mysql be able to use the ram efficiently or are we hitting limits? AMD or Intel? 32bit or 64bit?
Money is not really an issue but of course we don't want to waste it for scsi-hardware if we can reach almost the same speed with hardware sata-raids.
We'd like to stay with x86 because all our hardware is intel/amd and all our servers are running debian-linux. Can we expect better performance or problems using kernel 2.6.x?
If it really adds performance we might change to something else but x86 or change the OS, but definitly not for 2-5%.
We are going to keep the old servers as replication-slaves for big, time consuming selects and making backups.

We will have around 60,000,000 inserts/updates a day and lots of selects with joins on tables of all sizes (historical tables with >400,000,000 rows as well as small tables with less than 500,000 rows) The whole size of the database will be around 200gb, growing up to 400gb in the next 12 months. We are using innodb because we had big problems with the locking-issues of myisam. Some of the smaller tables that are updated all the time can be kept in memory if possible since its data is also cached/backuped by the applications that insert/update the data. Has anybody experienced problems with a innodb_buffer_pool_size >10gb?
Disk-I/O is our main problem since all the updates go to various tables spread on the discs. Since most of the data can be reconstruted in case of a crash it is ok for us to have delayed inserts and inserts being cached in memory. Are there more options for innodb-tables than increasing innodb_buffer_pool_size and setting innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 that could speed up inserts/updates?

thanks for any help/suggestions...


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