This fixed it (it was in mysys on my system too). But after my upgrades the recordings are way too loud (amped to the point of distortion). This could be an alsa thing. I tried changing the (somewhat new) "do not adjust volume" setting in the setup. Then even if I put the capture volume in alsa to max, all I hear is interference. If I turn that setting off, and turn my capture amount to 7%, it is blastingly loud and distorted. How does mythtv decide how to amp the tuner card? Has this changed in the last couple of months? The old alsa drivers let me set AUX and Capture volumes, and it composited them together. The new one just lets me set Capture volume, and I can turn AUX off or on. What can I do to turn down the recording volume? All my old recordings sound fine.

-Eric Hattemer

Michael Mansell wrote:

> Solution: edit libmysql/my_init.c
> search for "my_once_free" (it only occurs once)
> add "free_charsets();" immediately before it.
> recompile, etc etc.

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