On Jan 29, 2006, at 11:16 PM, David Abrahams wrote:

David Abrahams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David Abrahams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nigel Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

That all being said, I'd like to see 4 .apps packaged for mac by the
packager script:

2)backend --including jobqueue, commflag, and transcode all in the
.app bundle
3)Jobqueue  --including commflag and transcode so that we can run
jobqueue without the backend
4)Commflag --sometimes we just need to commflag

        The latest SVN version tries to do this
(if you use --enable-backend and --enable-jobtools)

Now that they're packaged together, what will it take for them to be
used that way? It seems as though the code used to find programs like
commflag and transcode from the backend is completely unsuited to
locating these executables.

I'd like to fix it, but I need some information.  Do Mac executables
have some ability to report their own locations?  Or if I invoke
mythcommflag without directory qualification from inside mythbackend, will it be found by virtue of the fact that it's in the same directory
(or package)?

Well, I've got the backend finding those bundled executables, but now
when those executables run, they can't find any of the libraries
needed.  dyld bars at me with "image not found."  I'm working on
what's needed to make this right, but I sure would appreciate any
clues people have.  I guess it's something missing in one of those
plists we write into the bundle...?

OK, I see what the problem is.  The paths to library dependencies that
are embedded in the auxilliary executables never get adjusted with
install_name_tool.  I'd try to fix that myself, but that business with
the dephash in osx-packager.pl makes my head spin and last time I
tried to hack packaging in that script I wasted several days to no
avail.  If the author of osx-packager.pl would care to take a stab at
it, I'd appreciate it lots.


A simple workaround is to compile each app separately (ie change the mythfrontend.app everywhere in the script to mythjobqueue.app or mythcommflag.app etc) and then copy the resulting executables into the package. I thought that with the newest version of the script, this was done automagically, however I haven't had a chance to test it since the changes went in.


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