You can get at the RGB signal of most any video card through the VGA
connector.  In fact, I believe you can even get pre-made VGA to
SCART-RGB adapters.

As far as for providing low line rate and interlaced output, I believe
that most any card can do that if you can find the right modeline.


On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 19:50:23 GMT, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any sort of listing anywhere of which graphics cards/chipsets
> are able to produce PAL compatible signals or otherwise provide a means
> of obtaining RGB output?
> In other words what cards can (a) do a low line rate and (b) produce
> interlaced output. If they can do composite sync as well then that's
> a bonus as it would save having to build a sync combiner.
> I'm particularly interested in the ASUS Pundit-R and the ATI 9100 chipset
> that it uses. I've seen reports of the SiS chipset in the older Pundit's
> being able to do it but nothing for the Pundit-R.
> Interestingly the manual for the Pundit-R lists SCART_RGB as a choice
> for the TV output mode in the BIOS but it isn't clear what that does or
> how you would get at the RGB signal if there is one.
> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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