I've searched the archives, google, etc, and haven't found a
consolidated source for this information. I'm happy to throw it into
someone's WIKI once we get core information in one location:

Subject: HDTV, Myth, and you...

-- Do the HD-2000 work better, or are better supported than the HD-3000 cards?
-- Are there any other cards which do OTA ATSC HD recordings?
-- Which cards only work for DVB? Which only for OTA?
-- Which cards work with encrypted sources?

-- How much CPU power is required to playback 1080i or 720p streams?
-- Are most converting down to 540p for playback? What steps are
involved in doing that?

-- What Kernel, IVTV/V4L/  are recommended for:
    -- HD-2000
    -- HD-3000

>From what I can glean, best way to succeed is to install the HD card
into a different backend (if you already have a backend with PVR-XXX's
in them) run a 2.6 kernel, and patch patch patch.

Thanks to all in advance for any contributions to this information..
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