Sorry for posting my original question twice, I
thought that I wasn't yet registered on the list due
to the latency.

I'm sure that this is kernel related. Since I was able
to fix it on my r128 machine, by adding the r128
kernel options, gentoo 2.6.9, I hope that I should be
able to get it working on my Mach64 machine.

Something that I'm curious to see is whether the
mach64 frontend will be able to display 640x480 video
without its current video stutter once every couple of
seconds.  Originally I had video in slow motion with
ssssloooooowwwww sound, but fixed that in mythfrontend
setup.  I can play movie trailers from fine
full screen with 60% idle and they are about 480x360
resolution, I know this isn't comparing apples ( :-) )
to apples though as that's not MPEG 2.  I'll play
around with transcoding some MPEG2 to different sizes
to see how that effects things.

Changing the size of myhtfrontend to 320x240 while the
backend still encodes at 640x480 made no difference to
the stutter.  The machine is only 400mhz mendocino so
I know that it's at the bottom end of what should be
possible for a frontend, but it's not primarilly a
frontend, I just thought that it's be nice if my wife
had the option to watch TV on her email/browser/office
PC.  It's soooo close to working, apart from the
colors in the video preview and the slight stutter,
and a solution for one may end up being a solution for

Another thought is that I need to make sure that the
Mach64 machine has Xv enabled, that may make all the
difference it it's not currently working...

Any other ideas, please don't tell me that 400mhz is a
lost cause :-)
--- Travis Osterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > [...] recorded video previews with colors that
> made the
> > frames look like photo negatives, i.e. the wrong
> > colors.  I added support for my r128 into my
> kernel
> > and that solved the problem for that machine
> I'm having the same inverted preview colors on my
> i865G chipset output
> on my gentoo 0.16 install.  There were no problems
> for me under FC1
> using 0.16 on the same box so I'm anxious to see
> what the solution is
> too.
> -- Travis
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