Note how I trim the quotes to the relevant portion for my reply.

On 2/4/2005 10:58 AM, Tom E. Craddock, Jr. wrote:


and so on. I see that in my modprobe.conf when kudzu detected the card it put in an alias eth1 skystar2, should that be there? Shouldnt it be some other alias than eth1? Could that be my problem? In the rest of dmesg, I can see that the card is found and is initialized

Others have already replied with what you need, but I'll reply to this portion. The ethernet stuff is normal and can be ignored. Don't suppose you happened to notice that the Air2PC card has a MAC address ;-) You can let kudzu configure it and not have to worry about anything. If the eth1 really bothers you, you can remove the line from modprobe.conf and remove the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1. Assuming you are using Fedora or some derivative (based on your mentioning kudzu).

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