Without reading the manual (or having looked at the manual a long time
ago), I can see that it would be pretty easy to make that mistake

The back of the card has two F connectors, one used for cable /
antenna input. If I didn't know that the other one was for the dipole
FM antenna, I would have assumed it to be the pass-thru cable out,

 - Jeff

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 13:29:21 -0500, Glen Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> He is full of it.  To daisy chain anything, all but the last device in the
> chain would have to have an input and also an output. 
> The 250 doesn't have any output at all.  The 350 only has baseband video and
> audio so if you chained via these connections, the only thing the entire
> chain would record is what ever signal the first one was seeing. 
>  ________________________________
>  Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 11:57 AM
>  To: mythtv-users@mythtv.org
>  Subject: [mythtv-users] Hauppauge Daisy-Chain or Red Herring? 
>  I was told at a local linux users group meeting that it was possible to
> daisy-chain Hauppauge x50s together so that only one card need receive an
> external cable connection.  I haven't been able to find any reference to
> this ability.  The guy was a blurter and an expounder so he may have been
> full of it.  Has anyone else daisy chained these cards? 
>  jw 
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